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  • Billah's Avatar
    Yesterday, 22:47
    Put down your crack pipe. You literally made this post over a month ago telling everyone on the server that you have 1 thief. That about sums up your...
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  • DHaran's Avatar
    Yesterday, 21:38
    DHaran replied to a thread Respect in Utopia Talk
    They haven't kept it alive at all, they're morons. The friendships kept it alive despite incompetence at every level by the dip**** who currently...
    1 replies | 219 view(s)
  • DHaran's Avatar
    Yesterday, 21:35
    lmao Brotality you dumb **** way to offer up a free prov crown. Hey David, show us your autographed MTG book you ****ing dweeb, lol. Any of ya'll...
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  • DavidC's Avatar
    25-07-2024, 06:03
    Congratulations to the winning Kingdoms and Provinces of Age 106! Thank you to all who played in this round, we hope you enjoyed the age and will...
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  • PogoKangaRoo's Avatar
    23-07-2024, 18:05
    PogoKangaRoo started a thread Respect in Utopia Talk
    My friends and I were just remembering some of the old days and remembered playing this back in the late 90's early 00's. Its amazing that this is...
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  • Clampy's Avatar
    22-07-2024, 23:30
    Just to clarify for those who don't recognise an obvious troll. 1) Never got plundered. 2) Never had a kd steal all my gold or continuous ops, the...
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  • Billah's Avatar
    22-07-2024, 04:49
    I was in a kingdom with this Clampy genius all age. Every war he pretty much spent the whole time feeding the other kingdom land and cash. They...
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