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  • Krozair's Avatar
    17-09-2024, 21:48
    Krozair replied to a thread Krozair's Krackup's in General Talk
    A drunk guy is showing friends his new apartment. The last stop is the bedroom, where a big brass gong sits next to the bed. “What’s that gong...
    857 replies | 1947175 view(s)
  • Arcanis's Avatar
    11-09-2024, 18:31
    Arcanis started a thread War loss in Suggestions
    After war loss in EowCF Explore penalty reduced to 300% & 5% land or 100 acres min is taken from a prov and put in explore pool. After being in...
    0 replies | 354 view(s)
  • Runhall's Avatar
    27-08-2024, 19:48
    Runhall started a thread New IS in Bug reports
    Hey! I cant get new IS to work. I have tried both on my computer and on my phone. I have tried to login and logout without any success.
    0 replies | 1282 view(s)
  • Eleutheria's Avatar
    27-08-2024, 18:53
    Eleutheria replied to a thread Amnesia in Bug reports
    701C052E Amnesia books not immediately returned upon entering EOWCF
    2 replies | 6307 view(s)
  • Procy's Avatar
    24-08-2024, 20:16
    The Age of Dilation - Genesis 156 Welcome to the new age. Tick Length will be 15 minutes. Please refer to the chooser for the appropriate...
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  • yslaw's Avatar
    22-08-2024, 12:58
    datingnow site Search Womans in your town for night
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  • Krozair's Avatar
    22-08-2024, 01:53
    Krozair replied to a thread Krozair's Krackup's in General Talk
    A man finds a magic lamp and rubs it. A genie appears and says, "I will grant you three wishes." The man thinks for a moment and says, "I want to...
    857 replies | 1947175 view(s)
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