Conversation Between vlahul and fatjew

1 Visitor Messages

  1. hello vlahul. i am currently leading kingdom of Emperors (formerly of NI) we fit into all of your requirements shy of the 15+ wars per age. so far we have had 5 wars, we plan to have another 3-4 before age ends depending on when it ends. our numbers on the charts are skewed because we have only 22 provinces at the moment. All are active, 2 arent as active as we'd like and will be replaced as fresh blood joins the kingdom. we have a very deep history, creation going back to age 3. a few players have been here the whole time, most joined and have been around for 5+ ages and a few very active players joined this age and last. while we are not 100% what you asked, I am sure we are 10x better than the kingdom you are currently playing in. and if there are 3-4 very active players in that kingdom, i recommend bringing them with you to Emperors

    contacts -
    aim: Jhova0616
    irc: fatjew - find me and others in #emperors channel
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