Conversation Between Kryozerkia and The Steppe Empire

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I am planning to.
  2. If you want to aid New Soviet Union by RP'ing with him, then by all means. Why not telegram him directly in the game and ask him first then take it to the forums.
  3. I see The New Soviet Union being picked on because he is not being a good RPer. Anyways, I have a Idea to handle the problem.......RP with New Soviet Union and show him how to RP correctly, even If I have to do it as Hataria if I have to (Using Steppe Empire) but someone must Teach him to RP good, NOT Yell at him (How do you think I was the way I was? because of Cyber-bullies and no one showing me how to RP in a RP)

    Anyways, I want to know if it is a good Idea or not?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3