Conversation Between Brindleleaf and Sephi

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, I posted briefly in your topic, even though you might've found an interesting kingdom, I do want to inform you that we're interested in you as well as player. We're laid back, easy going OOW, we give build strats for people who need it, but there is a degree of freedom. next to that almost everything can be discussed (except for some stuff when I am grumpy after 6 days of warring maybe :P but thats due to lack of sleep). We would love it if you expect to wake up for armies during war, but we also all have a real life, wife, kids, work and what not, so we do understand if you can't make it. Using +1 or -1 hour attacktime is acceptable for us to schedule your troops for example. It's what I do as well. I have a wife and cant get up between 2 and 5 at night.. so I do +1 or -1 on my attacks and either stay up long or get up early.

    If that all sounds ok to you, and you are willing to learn then I think we have a match.
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