Conversation Between New Greston and Ralkovia

9 Visitor Messages

  1. happy holidays
  2. ok good to hear
  3. I decided instead of quitting NS as a whole I am going to stop RPing in cluster****s, open **** made by newbs, and stuff that Haven assholes and Gataway make. I'll still RP with you but only in closed and semi-closed stuff or pre-planned things.
  4. I thought you were going away
  5. ahhh the almighty I.G.N.O.R.E cannon
  6. Not too sure. I think the enemy might ignore it though....
  7. so is gwo up for the plan
  8. hey wanna help me fight in the blockade of Canedian. It would be fun, I'm fighting for Canedian, if you and me joined together we would dominate. You up for it?
  9. I believe the international hostage thread has died
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9