Hey everyone,
I am recording a Triggered episode with the new game owners soon, please post any questions you have here and I will ask them on the show
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Hey everyone,
I am recording a Triggered episode with the new game owners soon, please post any questions you have here and I will ask them on the show
What steps will you be taking to bring new (and old) players back to the game?
What are the chances we can get a War Tournament?
What are your IRC nicks?
What are your plans with the game in the coming ages?
Vodka or Gin?
Will you make orcs sane again so they can merely break provinces that are 175% their NW and not 300%?
Will you stop the endless nerfing of TMs already? Don't you think 25 consecutive ages of making them incrementally suck more and more is enough?
Will you please make honor more stable and suck less?
Will you please find a way to balance war hero or else just eliminate it?
In before texn, dark elves please?
Will they have a second great utopian war?
Ways to bring players in/back? Facebook apps integration maybe?
Will you fix "The Oops"?
I for one welcome our new Muga Overlords...
(1) Why did you acquire Utopia? (One assumes that you either regard it as a good business opportunity, and have a strategy for turning around its ailing player base, or are passionate enough about the game as players to want to be able to improve it in some substantial way...or both. In either event, I'd be interested to hear the particulars of the plan.)
(2) What is Muga's overall vision for Utopia?
(3) Do you anticipate making major changes to the fundamentals of the game?
(4) Is Muga a new enterprise? Is it your full-time job? What other ventures do you anticipate for Muga?
How long before we see a mobile app? and YES we will pay for it!
Has there been any talk to address the "kick from game ticking" cause its a real downer.
I second the return of the great utopian war
I would actually like to see a kind of community driven statement of principles that would guide Utopia's development. For example, "The game should be balanced, but not perfectly," and "Races and personalities should fit archetypes generally." Part of this process would be really bearing down on what is the essence of Utopia and what is its incidental features. For example, 12/2 Orc elites is incidental, but "can't attack when too much overpop" is really fundamental.
Awesome, man. Can't wait to see some shakeups in the game.
I'm just happy to see this game go to ppl who care and wish to see it survive and thrive.
Will you be coding it all anew?
I would say the biggest obstacle utopia faces is it is not very beginner friendly. Unless one comes into a kd where there's a chat channel and teammates able/willing to help daily, one can go a year and still not really grasp a lot of more basic mechanics, strategy, or the team-play which makes utopia a great game. Moving forward what changes or resources will be brought to address this. Furthermore, if there's a big increase in new plays in the future, there's going to be a big disparity in old kds and new, a KD of new players won't have a chance, any plans to address this if it comes about?
Will you consider more integrated intel-sharing within KDs, so as to reduce the need, perceived or otherwise, for 3rd-party tools?
I'll sacrifice the necessary virgins to appease the new Overlords.
I actually hoped the announcement would be to naughty video from Palem with Taylor Swift. I clearly didn't anticipate this!
- Will you bring Fog back?
- When did you start playing?
- What's the chance on an age (even on Genesis²) to revert undead to a race you can only get if your province actually dies?
- Cats or dogs? Both is fine too.
- What are your opinions on midgets? Are they closer to halflings or to dwarves? If neither, does this warrant a new race to offset the amount of tiny people to the other races?
- Do you see faeries as tiny flying creatures or as the (more evil than mischievous) majestic creatures?
- How do avian multiply? Do they lay eggs or do they birth young?
I would just like to say this is wonderful that they are going on a community podcast so quickly to answer questions that the players have. That actually warms my cold little heart.
Will we get to keep Bishop and Palem?
With the app production will there be push notification for when hit, and or op'd?
What is your stance on Bart?
How many crowns do you have? And why is it less than Godly?