Utopia Angel, Utopia Pimp etc...
@Brian and Sean,
I do have a very big question. Whats going to happen with Angel and Pimp and the front end of Utopia?
Currently Pimp and Angel both rely on formatted Text and if you change the codebase, does that also mean you will change the formatting of the frontward text?
As players, we use these tools extensively and I would like to be able to still use them as a part of them game.
As the Developer of the NEW Utopia Pimp [1], I would like to be invited on the inside along with Brother Green (Creator of Angel) and the creator of Megatron. So that we can test our items against the new working Utopia.
I would rather we not shut everyone out why we update regular expressions to match your front text formats.
[1] Pimp is getting/has a new code base. The Old Pimp man (Mike) has moved on to bigger and better and has left me to control his app along with creating a new codebase.
Please contact me at spoiledtechie ... Gmail