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Anyways, I'm sure people (unfortunately more than likely the moderators) will flame the hell out of my post. But seriously.. To sum it up. This fix doesn't fix REAL cheating. This fix causing people living together to go back to not playing again. If you're still going to investigate x-logging, this will increase time spent investigating, not shorten it. You taken a paid for service (sitting) and made it less effective (Sure, we can still grow the province for them, but they can't participate in waves), and moderators, get a clue guys - you ARE customer service. You are the customer interaction face of Utopia.. I feel like this is Office Space here.. "What do you DO around here" - "I deal with people so the developers don't have too" - "So, what exactly is it you do?" - "I TOLD YOU. I deal with the people so the developers DON'T HAVE TOO. because I'm GOOD AT DEALING WITH PEOPLE.. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!"