If you would like to comment on the new cheat prevention measures please do so here so we can gather opinions and ideas in one place - thanks.
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If you would like to comment on the new cheat prevention measures please do so here so we can gather opinions and ideas in one place - thanks.
I am sorry but i dont seem to remember what the new anticheat measure is.. Can you please give a wee bit explanation??
click link in initial post
Edit: I had a feeling that not mentioning the measures was intentional, but I was wrong.
Based on the examples, it is safe to assume that if a husband and wife were to be in the same kd, one can be T/M while the other can be Attacker and not be caught in the net? Otherwise, we may have to change our strategy midwar.
Right, they would be blocked from interacting - if they target different provinces they have no issues.
please tell me that in war you can target the same province and send aid and so forth.
As I just said, they would be blocked from interacting
in war time when provinces ban together to chain or op the same target for a specific goal, it wont be allowed?
Well, that would be like saying "You're blocked from cheating now (except in war)!"
ok im playing dumb on purpose here. you seriously are going to stop people that are whitelisted, legitimately whitelisted as they are multiple people playing the same game, from interacting with each other or similar targets IN WAR which is kinda mandatory in war time. why not lift the restrictions in war and make whitelisting harder then?
These messages tell you that the action you were trying to perform in-game was blocked because either:
You have directly shared an IP address with the province you are attacking or aiding
You are attacking a province who has recently been attacked by other provinces that have shared IPs with you.
Hit someone else, not a big deal.
Since I'm no native English speaker and I want to be sure about this.
- The whitelist is now defunct = there is no more whitelisting?
During weekend I'm at a friends place. We play both in a different KD. Till now I used my mobile to connect with the internet and play uto, since I didn't want to be deleted.
So now I can use his computer and internet connection without a problem or whitelisting first?
(just to be 100% shure :))
so here are some examples:
A)KD T/M squad(including the husband) nightmares the crap out of a single target then NS the target to the ground.
KD Attacker's Squad(Including Wife) Chains said target. Can the wife still attack?
B) Wife Attacks Target A in war, Husband then proceeds to gather intel on Target A for the purpose of 2nd Attacker to hit, Allowed or not?
C) Husband Aids Target A, Wife also wants to Aid target A, permitted?
Or is just just a big blanket ban on any sort of interaction.
So you mean to say, without any prior notification that it will happen today that suddenly whitelist is gone, affecting all whitelisted players who are currently in war and our options are to either delete or defect to stop from being flagged as xlogging?
Edit: and also that we will lose the war now due to missing people?
It is a good measure to bring in place although the interactions in war is going to be a bit of a drama. Kingdoms chain targets and target the same targets with ops to make it more effective and to better bring provinces down in a quick fashion. As a monarch, thankfully I dont have anyone that is whitelisted, but it will be seriously annoying having to get someone to hit another target for the sake of them not getting the access denied message.
If may work out in terms of how kingdoms pick their targets because they can have the other people hit the 2nd target etc but it will just bring in an annoying dimension to the game from an organisational perspective.
Seriously, if the game devs are trying to force out the last remaining legit couples, this is ONE MAJOR STEP towards that thing. I mean..... ARE YOU FOR REAL!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
So far I have been fine with every single dumb change the devs were doing, hoping it's for the better, but tell me - now that my kingdom is in war and we are hard chaining kingdom (23 attacks on the same province on the last chain) do we have to change kingdom tactics because the devs can't think of a better solution to catch cheaters? Oh, right, we should buy extra IP addresses from our providers to be able to play a game.
Do you think you will reduce logins via proxy servers this way? I am thinking you'll rather increase them, as you are making people use proxy servers to be able to interact with their own kingdom. That's lame. Why don't you try to fix the server downtime issues for a change? We all know you've been fixing those for a while now (ever since you got the "new code" in).
Please, provide the couples with a way to PROVE to you they are a real couple and get them into sort of a whitelist again. I want to be able to help my wife, as she would like to be able to help me when needed. Lately she was needing help in getting intel (she is orc attacker, I am human a/t) and with this change it means it wont be possible to help her get the intel. That's utter lame....
I agree with EUS.... Cheating is a problem and needs to be handled, but you need to go about it in a way that doesn't cause people to leave a dying game. You guys are really REALLY messing up BIG TIME here.
This is by the far the 100% worse change EVER made. This is not only going to cause people to quit because they can't play anymore in the same kingdom (yes there are legitimate husband/wife combos or even roommates) BUT it's going to destroy logging on from your cell phone. This is a TERRIBLE way to fix a problem.
Don't fix a problem by causing 20 more. VERY VERY STUPID
I've seen this system in other games too and it's really no biggie once you're used to it.
Good leaders adapt to new situations. It's not even close to a complete overhaul of tactics.
Don't exaggerate imo.
I say we go back to not allowing more than 1 person play from the same house because apparently we've forgotten that playing with people we live with is a luxury.
That's not my biggest concern... my biggest concern is killing cell phone play. Lots of people rely on using their cell phones to play
An faery spams everyone with MS and riots in war. Their spouse in the same kingdom will then just need to attack oow. No big problem. This is a pretty stupid system. It is already hard to find players to fill up a kingdom.
This won't kill cell phone play. This doesn't have any effect on cellphone play at all as far as my understanding goes.
Interactions from same IPs are blocked - if you don't interact you aren't blocked.
Link it please. I want to see where in the blog post is there a date where the changes would happen rather than an ambiguous "in a few weeks time"
Also, where is the promise of "more details before we turn it on" promised by the devs?
In addition, you also said whitelist is now defunct and also mentioned that logging from the same pc would be xlogging. Are you telling whitelisters now to buy a new computer in 5 minutes to make their hits and also order a different ISP to prevent being flagged as a multi?
Yes Palem, not always, as the blog post says. What if you and a couple of (hundred) thousand more people use your mobile providers' semi-transparent proxy server.
About getting back to the limitation of 1 person per IP - didn't we moved away from that because of a reason???? Aren't the devs doing these stuff to limit cheating after all? I can't see how this helps them in fighting cheating, it helps in annoying couples and make them quit.
And as Danzig said - that's my point exactly. You can't expect that the couples shouldn't interact with the same province in war.
Scavenger, could you please share with us which were these games and when did they died??
I didn't see province sitting addressed. Is that immune to the same-IP interaction limitations?
28th October- http://blog.utopia-game.com/post/120...a-of-supremacy
The details are in this post obviously http://blog.utopia-game.com/post/136...ing-live-today
It has never been acceptable to log 2 accounts from one pc.
I'm pretty sure that at least half the couples are in fact people in a relationship with their own hand but that's no excuse to criminalise people who really are a couple and only log into their own province.
Because of this move you'll actually encourage formerly honest players to cheat.
If I were in such a situation I might consider placing an old computer at my parent's house and use RDC and/or VPN connection to it to evade this ridiculous limitation. Or I could just hijack my neighbor's poorly configured wifi network.
While I encourage the fight against cheaters, I cannot support this because you are hurting honest players.
I am not directly affected, but I am curious.Quote:
We told you guys over a month ago - if you take a look at the blog post it also references the post where we announced this was happening. You need to deal with not being able to hit the same targets is all.
First, which is it?? I thought I understood the premise - which was just to inhibit same user activity. The side effect being that different users playing from same location would have issues if they targetted the same provinces. Are we to believe now that they will first be blocked, and shortly thereafter deleted according to the existing anti-cheat measures?
Also, I don't understand why the use of this system necessitates the loss of the whitelist. It could quite easily be added in to exclude whitelist member activity (ie, don't block activity if both offending users are paired on the whitelist). This would have both the cheating protection and keep all malcontents happy. :)
Bishop, would you kindly re-read my query, I asked where is the date of when it will be turned on and not the date of the blog post.
As far as I'm concerned, we made our hits early today then relog later in the day to find the server being updated and a blog post about it, and again where is the notice of said change is going to happen today and it isnt even 24 hours of notice before the devs turned it on. How can that be called reasonable and fair? and now since whitelist is defunct, whitelisters are now going to be flagged hard by the multi rule, so how will the devs address that? Suddenly an honest player one hour and a cheater the next?
Nothing is preventing couples from playing. If you want the advantage of playing 2 provs from one IP you have to accept the balancing consequences, I don't understand why this is such a big deal. It was an unfair advantage and there was never a way to prove both players were always present, plain and simple. This is now balanced.
Blocking people that interact with someone else using the same cell phone provider that uses the same IP - its not a blanket ban on cell phone usage.
Maintaining a whitelist is both not scalable and unnecessary. People had to be whitelisted before so the ip flag wouldnt go off. Adding people to the whitelist was hugely time consuming because players had to be investigated and I am under no allusions that people gamed the system constantly.
Its going on today - its already on afaik. I dont see why whtielisted couples are now cheaters though. This is for the good and the future of the game.
Notwithstanding your opinion of the good and future of the game, the purpose of whitelist is to not set off the "Multi from the same IP flag",since you said it is now defunct, whitelisted players are now "Multis" thanks to the defunct Whitelist. Clear enough? How is are the devs going to address this? Temporarily stopping deletion of Flagged multis and open the situation up to even further abuse? Delete the multi rule in favor of this system?