4 looking for KD
Seems i gotta shorten this stuff cause ppl havent read it =p
Group of 4 players looking for casual warring IRC BASED KD which has been around for some time and has some history.Not interested in joining newly formed kds nor mergers.
If need more info contact me via PM or find me on irc.utonet.org (#sanitarium or pm me)
PM'ed you mate. We have a Balance of EU & SE asian Players and would like to add on the Exp already in the team. We are a casual warring KD in Mid tier aiming for Top 100 next age.
mbab, my love! What is going to happen to Sanitarium without you? D:
Check out my sig, I'll always have space for you. Thanks for saving me all the trouble of having to write up what we look for in fresh blood. ;)
Niko: its called disband =0P
bounce: if you call your sisters goats then yes, i do like them =0P
In that case, you definitely should come play with us. I won't feel bad. :D
I miss you!