I just found another reason why i don't like Barack Obama.

I'm an atheist myself, but I have little quarrels with mere secular people. What I don't like however is extreme, or fundamentalist faiths.

Barack Obama is adherent to the United Church of Christ, as faiths go, this one isn't exactly moderate, unlike the one of McCain, who is a Baptist.

United Church of Christ is a merger between Evangelicals and Dutch and German Orthodox Calvinists, neither of which are moderate to begin with.

If I were to predict how Obama is like in office, I'd compare him to this President Bush. A man not wanting to pull a plug on a dead woman, causing suffering and humiliation to her husband. A man who stopped funding AIDS awareness groups (who did a very good job in China btw and probably saved millions of lives). A man who met with the Pope, in the hope of saving the Catholic Church from further court actions, a church which till this day has done little those priests who destroyed the lives thousands of innocent children. A man who has caused the worst public relations nightmare in the war in Iraq, by giving people like Osama Bin Laden all the grounds they need to turn the war in a faith thing, even though its not the case and far from the truth.

If you want change, well Obama certainly isn't going to give you change.
I'd pick McCain if you're looking for change.