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Thread: Roleplayer's Message Board

  1. #391
    Post Fiend Geco's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    I generally have no interest in Vamps, but whatevers ^_^

    Mike >> the airship thread is kinda what you are talking about, but a bit more controlled. I have a big over arching quest in mind, made up of a bunch of mini quests, but essentially involves going to new places and exploring. At times - and yes I have already thought of some ways to do this - I'll msg players and tell them what I'd like, but leave it up to them, thus, they become the GM for something. Also, asking for sideplots is on my agenda too. If you want to join, throw up a char sheet and once I approve, start posting. 1 note, if you do, please make the person already a member of the crew, or, you'll have to wait til we're at our next local to join.


    Sorry for the minor delay everyone, best friend called Monday and we've been spending a lot of time doing stupid stuff like when we were kids, e.g. playing video games for a long time ^_^ Will get back to work tomorrow.

  2. #392
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    geco cheers, i read skysail after i put that prev post up, but that was exactly the kinda thread i was talking about.
    Thrown a character sheet up, will starting posting as soon as you ok.

  3. #393
    Member Fleshmelter's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    Well it's been a long time..... Not many things to jump into :(

  4. #394
    Post Fiend Arctic Phoenix's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    In the dark boreal forest of the far north, something disturbs the leafy undergrowth. There is no wind, no woodland creature and no freak geological activity. If one was standing close, they would catch the rank scent of perpetual inactivity. With agonizing meticulousness, life stirs beneath the decaying forest floor. In a quick flurry a head and tangled mass of limbs vaguely resembling something human emerges from a festering hole. The shivering, unrecognizable form stretches and sniffs the air. It is curious, and considers its options. This is not the first time this shattered beast of a man crawled out of the shadows - and perhaps this time it will choose to reintegrate itself into society. For the moment it watches. It waits.

  5. #395
    Post Fiend Geco's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Sorry everyone. I'm getting some extra cash by working at a women's golf tournament bartending. It sucks the energy out of me having to be nice and wear a smile all day haha. Last day is tomorrow, and I'll try to move our story along then, if not, Monday for sure.

    Sorry for the lull.

  6. #396
    Member zedpcee's Avatar
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    Sep 2009
    Hey can I join in this I've got no idea wat 2 do though?

  7. #397
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    NZ - final destination!
    oh don't be a girl Marc. :) My wife does bartending and she gets a kick out of it. She's not even remotely a social being.


    and Zed, yes. Yes you CAN join. All you need to do is fill out the character sheet near the beginning of this thread. I suggest being a member of the crew already, as we are already in the air and it would be hard to "Retropost" you in, and uneccessary.

    HOWEVER I am not the GM ( Game Master ) of the thread, so I cannot say yes or no. Either way, the first step would be to make a character sheet and then hear back from Geco, who IS the GM.

    Good luck my friend. ;) Although, I think his answer most happily will be yes. Look at the other character sheets to see what jobs have been taken and how you can fit in. ;)
    Last edited by Jolly Rensha; 06-09-2009 at 20:31.

  8. #398
    Member zedpcee's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    related to rp guild

    Umm I was told not to do pure Ooc post in skysail so yeh im doin it here you can't stop me

    @ geco I agree the quality and size of posts is much much better but im afraid you may not be able to expect that of me yet and but I am getting better if you want to see visit the website and thread I told you bout and bear in mind I only started rp less than a week ago. And can we have a recap on how many enemies are left:-)

    @ new person soz forgot your name welcome and I have an ide for your joining the game when we finish the battle and we need to land for repairs ?

  9. #399
    Post Fiend Geco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I'll be a girl whenever I damn well please Jer =P I had no problems with the bartending, I actually enjoyed it, it just was very fast paced and sucked energy out of me. Keep in mind, it was an LPGA event so there were a lot of people fond of the drink ^_^

    NFL season starts tonight!!!

  10. #400
    Post Fiend
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    Jul 2008
    welcome back Phoenix!

  11. #401
    Join Date
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    NZ - final destination!
    Amy used to work for the pga clubhouse. *shrug* her first bartending gig. Lol, first day on the job they called the ambulence on her cause she tapped two bottles of vodka together and they shattered all over her hands.

    wish I were a bartender.

    Well, after today I have more time on my hands. They are cutting my overtime hours. I could practically get another job now. except i'm leaving in 3 weeks. bummer... Coulda been six months ago though, so i suppose I should be happy. *shrug* oh well.

  12. #402
    Post Fiend Geco's Avatar
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    It's a good time to go as the seasons change and it gets cold. Although, you do live in Florida so I guess it's pretty much always the same season ^_^

  13. #403
    Join Date
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    NZ - final destination!
    yeah, except summer is... even hotter... 120º out in loxahatchee earlier this summer. and it was hot like that all summer. still is. hottest summer I remember in a while.

    by the way, i just got skype. my skype name is jna<dot>rogers where <dot> is a period. Good way to keep in touch in new zealand. and hey, i can finally talk face to face with you or something for free, eh? makes all this email business moot when we're talking story stuff. :)

    How about we move regular conversation to the bar thread? That's why i made it, so we dont' clutter threads with useless jargon.

  14. #404
    Join Date
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    NZ - final destination!
    lol phoenix, i forgot you were an architect. ;)

    Indeed I was thinking on how to get my drawing on here once I drew it. :)

    Personally I was thinking a modified galley, much like yours, but with a few distinct differences. Instead of a rear gunnery (which is entirely possible for a harpoon or tug feature, but not really a weapon) I was thinking of two raised platforms (thus Arlen's jumping onto the jib as the deck turned on its axis, he was on the high side, the jib coming below, he snapped as the deck went back horizontal, and then decided to drop) on starboard and port. I might have mistakenly said aft in my post... :\ oops.

    another was four engines. Two large ones in back, two stabalizers in front for steerage (rather than from the rear, though they can indeed pivot, they cannot pivot 180, just 90 for hovering) and for backing up MUCH slower than going forward (wind resistance and less thrust potentials)

    Finally, there would be a Trisail, but not like is imagined on a normal maritime vessel. This would go across the ship perpendicular to the deck, splaying like a peacock. Two sails on the sides, louvered for various reasons, and a triangular sail, much like a junk (without all the wooden spars down its length) or a modern sailing vessel. I'll draw up something, like i said. Just finishing up on my chores my wife gave me since i'm not working late tonight. :)

  15. #405
    Post Fiend Geco's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I thought this was supposed to be the place for regular useless jargon ^_^ but we can move wherever is better for you. If anyone wants to add me to skype, I'm marc<dot>d<dot>marion

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