Ladies and Gentlebeasts, I humbly welcome you to the RP Bar!

Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters to a good ol' Jack n' Coke served, as well as water. If you're in the mood for something less tangible, more ethereal, let us know and we'll see what we can cook up. Or down. Whatever...

Unfortunately, after the Bar by the Bog became The Bar IN the Bog after the global warming concerns of the 21st centuries (yes, there was more than one. Just like the internets.), the only supplier of Brainrot went literally UNDER. Fortunately, a synthetic form was found out some time later with the nasty side effect of restoring brain matter, rather than necrotizing it. Who wants that? That being said, its horrible symptom makes it the cheapest and most crudely looked upon drink in the known polyverses, such as polysorbate LX, and thus by slim margin beats out budwiser for the most popularly ordered drink.


Talk and mingle as you please, citizens!