I'm on WoL on a "ghetto" KD. It started out poorly, us being merged with another KD and the confusing was high.
The Monarch in the KD i was in before the reset, managed to take charge and issued out some orders, one of them OOP acre limit.
It was on 700acres which i manage to get to, however several other Provinces ignored it and grew beyond it.
When OOP came these guys were the first hit within the hour. It later turned out they were Farms/Multi whatever you name it.

In the course of these weeks, we have killed at least 10 provinces, all of them turning out to be farms. We've gotten to the point where our votes to the Monarch in charge isn't enough from the active people, due to the amount of new players coming in and not voting, most likely farms again.
They all follow the same script;
-Either new account or defection.
-Not posting (or if posting gets a few days of freebie. However we've gotten to the point that as soon as a new player gets flagged inactive, we start to raze as it's no use.)
-Not voting (We had no monarch several times already)

This is pretty saddening. I played several years ago, 2003 and back, and I can't remember this happening so frequently. Sometimes a farm came up here and there, but this experience is ridiculus.
The people currently active, which the KD evolves around, is getting a bit frustrated. Yes patience is needed, we all got it, but does it really need to get to the point where 1 out of 10 provinces isn't a farm?

If you aren't willing to be in the KD, why not just delete or defect when you go OOP?

/venting off
Thanks for your time. Any advice is welcome.