Coal burning power plants are not that environmental friendly either.
honestly I've seen people die of leukemia, trust me it ain't pretty

it makes asthma look so much better, if you're referring to smog

and if you weren't referring to smog, man made global warming has never been proven, were as the effects of chernobyl have been proven! The few that claim man made warming has been proven are liars, because a. they're gullable idiots and believe in an elaborate fallacy (usually it's plain circular reasoning), or b. they use it as a panacea for political reasons because lets be honest oil and gas are depleted within our lifetimes. Coal on the other hand is still good for an estimated 4 centuries.

To be honest man made global warming can never be proven, just like you can't proof the existence of god. There are those that want or need to believe in it and there are those that don't. Truth be said, it is wiser to do the latter.

Now as for Africa, that is a slippery slope you are using there. Of course there are some good countries, the thing is Obama is wants to send the aid to the bad ones.

The response McCain made in most foreign affairs, particularly with regard to evil regimes is a good and sensible one, Obama's response on the other hand is downright wrong, irresponsible and unbelievably stupid and weak.

I'm politically left myself and on most issues i am more closely tied to the democrats than the republicans. The thing is though, Obama is an inexperienced fool and simply wrong on whole lot of issues. Also he is not progressive enough on those issues were he needs to be and oh irony here, McCain is, something you wouldn't normally expect from a republican. Sure McCain picked Palin, a rightwing religious nutter, but he himself is no right extremist, Obama on the other hand is an left extremist, the way he soldout to the unions on immigration tells you so, though admittedly not as bad as Palin. However remember it is Obama and McCain calling the shots, not Biden and Palin.

Now with regard to taxes and economy, both sides are equally bad, I see numerous wrongs with both Obama and McCain there. Obama can say all he wants about the economy, truth be said, he is not better than McCain there.

It basicly comes down to this, both Obama and McCain sux on the economy, Obama sux with foreign relations, where as McCain does not sux. Ergo like i say so often, both sides are bad, it is just that you are worse off with Obama.

If you can't get a perfect pick, than you need to prioritize, voting for McCain would be the sensible solution in that respect.

So I hate to say it, but you do not want to vote Obama.