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Thread: landfat during wartime

  1. #1
    Member Laguna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    landfat during wartime

    during war, is it advisable to immediately build on all of the acres that you grabbed from your last attack as soon as that land arrives? or should you wait until the war ends to use them?

  2. #2
    built up land does 2 things. increases max pop and increases networth.

    as with many things in utopia, it depends.

    if you need to increase your max pop. build it.
    if you want to avoid inflating your networth (due to small army or w/e) then don't build it.

    Money is also a factor. If you had to choose between spending on military and land - most times spending it on military is better. assuming you're not over pop'd.

    Final factor is BE and war buildings %. If your return times, OME or TPA is getting shot and you need them - build those buildings. If peasant count is low and BE is taking a hit, building more structures don't exactly help.. unless if its homes.

    Most times I find myself juggling between building some of my lands and spending on military. War is fun.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    if u know u'll get chained immediately then dont build, otherwise build as much as u can

    and dragon > land > military

    if u do the calculation, the amount of money u use to build acre (credits will take care of half, so unless u get tornadoed it doesnt cost that much) can only train a very small amount of troop

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by waheed View Post
    if u know u'll get chained immediately then dont build, otherwise build as much as u can

    and dragon > land > military

    if u do the calculation, the amount of money u use to build acre (credits will take care of half, so unless u get tornadoed it doesnt cost that much) can only train a very small amount of troop
    Thats a narrowminded view of it imho.

    I did the calculation for my ~1k acres prov that just made a grab for ~150 acres and got ~50 free building credits. Im in war and a bit short on cash, I can either build the ~100 acres thats left after using the credits or train ~300 specs for the same money. 300 specs is 1,5k raw off/def, I built the crucial buildings with the credits, whats left is not so important to build + I probably will get attacked again soon.

    So in my case Id much rather have the extra specs. It just depends on the situation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    IMO, if your in the middle of the pack in terms of NW, i would just not build the land because most likely you will get hit after your first or second hit anyways. If you are in the upper tier however i would use the free building credit and then use the rest on military/thieves. and then gradually put more in building to get the important building. ( rax imo )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Your army has taken 353 new acres! 160 buildings survived and can be refitted to fit our needs.

    not a warhero

  7. #7
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    you either started the chain or did maxgains waheed. if you would've attacked a chaintarget a few hits later your free building credits would've been almost the same but your total land taken would've been alot less.

    making it in the long run cheaper to build all ur acres. attacking a chain-target can also help you prevent getting too landfat early in the war opening you wide open to spells/theivery

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    i know

    i was just trying to prove that u CAN gain up to half of ur land as credits, and what Reaper posted about his 150 acre hit with 50 acres is not representative as its obviously a bottomfeed

    different building type matters. if u plan to build for example banks, then u'll want to build those asap. if u need forts or WT, then most definitely build asap, or even speed build depending on situation. but stuff like guild, homes, rax or towers can wait

    of course this is again a very general statement. depending on the province it may look very different. for example if u r a chained prov then u would want to build rax and GS at normal speed (or speed build if u have enough credits. and maybe TG too) and the rest can be left barren until u r overpop.

    but honestly if u have money and u r not getting chained then u should build ur land. i dont get why ppl would purposely leave their land empty. the networth difference is insignificant... if u like low nw so much then why not just pick elf/warrior and enter war with 40% barren land, u'll have very low nwpa plus the ability to build land when chained to relief overpop (its not a good idea btw im being sarcastic, because theres a lot more to war than military per networth)

  9. #9
    Post Fiend
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    Sep 2008
    i usually build what i can with my credits.

    then split the rest between aid/training specs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    what if your the one being chained down by bigger NW it a good idea to raze building thats arent helping in war to bring down your NW so that their hits are not as effective? (due to the NW difference)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    No. It costs money and NW is next to irrelevant in war (for sure a few buildings aren't going to make any difference).

  12. #12
    Post Demon Ishandra's Avatar
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    As orc War hero I've never had problems building all my land with credits unless I've been using a lot of conquests.

    I do however leave land unbuilt until after I do my next hit (better gains with lower NW) unless im massively topfeeding and need the NW to get back into range. So its unbuilt for a few minutes while I'm hitting/pasting to pimp ;)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I almost never build land during a war, of course it depends on my position and my kingdoms position during war.

    If I'm unbreakable or not really worried about being hit, I'll build my lands.

    If not, I manage my buildings to keep my NW down and thus maximise my gains/spell damage.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Laguna View Post
    during war, is it advisable to immediately build on all of the acres that you grabbed from your last attack as soon as that land arrives? or should you wait until the war ends to use them?
    there is no reason for you not to build your land up.
    As of some ages ago attacks on you doesnt capture unbuilt land first anymore, so there is no reason at all why you shouldnt try and build ur buildings. At very least use all your credits for doing so. Increased pop(and therefore more income/better be/me) and benefits from buildings is way more important than some saved gold and insignificant nw difference.

  15. #15
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    TG's, rax, hosps, GS and farms (and maybe dungeons) are the only ones i build during war...

    unless by guild % is <5%

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