Ok our kingdom in the past has been flooded with DE T/M that have been in my opinion useless. We had 5 and could not keep 24/7 coverage of MS running.

Most of them have now left the kingdom and it looks like we have none returning. I am an attacker at heart noraly playing Orcs and elves but i have always liked magic and i like attacking.

So i am thinking of playing a DE A/M next age. I can only attack twice a day, i think the kingdom needs some MS ability so mystic may be the way to go. There may be at least one other who may go DE A/M in the kingdom as well so we may look at nightmare or fireball spam at the right targets as we are on at similar times. I do not plan to be a supermage and compeate with someone who is however geting through Heavy Attackers magic defence is a priority.

Without knowing the changes i am thinking of playing the following.
I am interested in your feedback and ideas on how to optimise the build strat.

Homes 10
Farms 8
Guilds 10
Stables 10
Training Grounds 12
Rax 15
Banks 10
Forts 15
Watch Towers 10