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Thread: Communism(socialism) ftw

  1. #76
    Post Fiend Surrakar's Avatar
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    What do you want? Of course Americans do not know anything about socialism or communism. They even didn't know social security existed...

    They have been governed by extreme right or right wingers for centuries, and they believe everything the government tells them or what the mighty television tells them...

    It's a fantastic country with great political and cultural background :)

  2. #77
    Post Fiend vlahul's Avatar
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    all politics sucks but are imperative needed.

    important is the order and laws.

    eventually at one point only one politic will prevail..which is no politic

  3. #78
    Post Fiend jimmy1234's Avatar
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    let me gusse... you havent ever been to america?

    further more based on the title i know you dont know what youre talking about seeing as communism and socialism are two different things.
    Anzac ftw

  4. #79
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    The golden rule of communism: He who has the gold makes the rules

    About the same for about every form of government ever tried. Do you really think the leaders live the same lifestyle as the common slobs regardless of what form of government you prefer?

    Most forms of government sound great in theory, though they aren't always so great in practice. I do know I would rather be one of the masses in a country where our poor drive to the welfare office to pick up their welfare check in a cadilac so they can pick up a case of beer on their way home, pop it in the fridge, warm up a snack in the microwave and kick back and decide which one of the 150 channels i want to watch the latest mindless entertainment that is being offered on the color tv.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by watchman View Post
    Most forms of government sound great in theory, though they aren't always so great in practice. I do know I would rather be one of the masses in a country where our poor drive to the welfare office to pick up their welfare check in a cadilac so they can pick up a case of beer on their way home, pop it in the fridge, warm up a snack in the microwave and kick back and decide which one of the 150 channels i want to watch the latest mindless entertainment that is being offered on the color tv.
    Welfare people don't have as much money as you refer.

    They barely have enough money to pay for rend, food and TV (scrap the cadilac).

    The actual problem (where I live anyhow) is twofold:

    1) Some people are very minimalist. They don't need all the fancy cr*p, only the bare minimum to survive plus a little extra for cheap entertainment. The capitalistic drive for wealth and luxury simply doesn't appeal to these people. The system fails to motivate them to apply themselves and work, because it doesn't press the right buttons.

    2) Minimum wage sucks. Some people are busting their shops working for minimum wage doing cr*ppy jobs with people looking down on them only to find out that they make only slightly more than welfare (in some cases, they'd make more being on welfare). Its ridiculous.
    Last edited by Magn; 29-01-2010 at 15:27.

  6. #81
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    minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage, it was supposed to be a starting wage so u can get some job skills and move on to a better job. If you really want to work and can't get more than minimum wage after any length of time at the job or find a better job, you would have to be one sorry worker in my experience.

    Welfare not a great living and I wouldn't encourage anyone to pursue that as a way of life. Should b enough to keep manage your basic needs not enough to lure the lazy into taking it over actually working for a living.

    Worked with international students my last tour in service and most of those from poorer countries could not believe what we consider poor by western standards. The comments about the poor in my earlier post were mostly taken from their impression of what we seemed to think of as poor, compared with the starndards they had to live with at home.

    If we were really poor obesity in America wouldn't b quite the issue it is.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by watchman View Post
    minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage, it was supposed to be a starting wage so u can get some job skills and move on to a better job. If you really want to work and can't get more than minimum wage after any length of time at the job or find a better job, you would have to be one sorry worker in my experience.
    I worked my fair share of minimum wage jobs as a high school student.

    During that time, I also saw my fair share of people who would straddle not that high above the minimum wage (maybe 1 Canadian dollar or so above it).

    A lot of people don't have the education, charisma or personality necessary to get a higher paying job.

    I would not make this a standard to qualify them as lesser human beings (morally speaking, a lot of people who are filthy rich are quite rotten).

    Quote Originally Posted by watchman View Post
    Welfare not a great living and I wouldn't encourage anyone to pursue that as a way of life. Should b enough to keep manage your basic needs not enough to lure the lazy into taking it over actually working for a living.
    Again, thats a the problem. Its enough for a lot of people.

    Not everyone are big consummers or driven by a desire to consumme beyond the basic necessities.

    Quote Originally Posted by watchman View Post
    Worked with international students my last tour in service and most of those from poorer countries could not believe what we consider poor by western standards.
    I would consider a lot of those poorer countries (the worse cases anyhow) to be situations we should try to avoid.

    Not examples we should be trying to follow when determining our own standards.

    Quote Originally Posted by watchman View Post
    If we were really poor obesity in America wouldn't b quite the issue it is.
    Actually, a lot of poorer people are obese because bad food is cheaper and more accessible.

    You can eat a pizza meal for 3$ and be satiated. Of course, you'll get fat pretty quick if you eat pizza all the time.

  8. #83
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    Don't take me wrong, I grew up poor, and then started at the bottom like most folks. Then I retired early by choice deciding I would rather live a simpler standard than continue on in the rat race.

    I have found over the years that a good number of the poor, at least in the US tend to be poor more from bad choice than from lack of opportunity to do better for themselves. I tend to favor more of a hand up than a hand out mentality as too many seem content to keep taking the handouts rather than putting out the effort to improve their lot in life.

    "A young man who isn't liberal doesn't have a heart, and an old man who isn't conservative doesn't have a brain" (Churchill I think, though I would have to look it up)

    I tend to resemble that remark, as when I was younger I was all for the idea that everyone should have everything, then as I got older started to realize that most of those who had a lot seem to have put a heck of a lot of work into getting it, and no longer feel like they should have to support their own families and everyone elses, provided the everyone else has some ability to support themselves.

    Having worked at a clearing house for social services in a community, I can tell you it was frustrating to have a client tell you that he couldn't get a job because he had dropped out of high school, then when you told him you offered free GED programs to improve his prospects get the response that he had kids and couldn't make the classes, then when you told him you also provided free day care so he could attend, be given another excuse, then another, then another. After awhile it seemed that some folks seem happier working harder at not working and living on the dole than they would actually working for a living.

    Those who really need assistance should feel no shame in taking it, that is what it was intended for, but IMO entirely too many are just feeding at the trough, to some extent taking services that could better go to caring for those that really need some help.

  9. #84
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Socialism is the first step to communism.

  10. #85
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Socialism is the first step to communism. What is communism? Terms we throw around with no real understanding of them. True Communism cannot exists with humanity and all it becomes is a small group ruling a larger group.

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