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Thread: Elf Attack Strats?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Elf Attack Strats?

    I started back on utopia near the end of the last age and it's been quite awhile, so I figured maybe I could get alittle advice.

    Elf Warrior or Elf War Hero. Most people from the posts I've read said Warrior because of the accelerated attack. But wouldn't the credits and bonus losses caused to enemy help an attacker? yes I'm prepared to be told how "stupid" I am for asking, but I would really like to try Elf War Hero, just not sure what I'd make the building percentages to go along with it to keep it almost pure attacker with just enough runes to cast defensively.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    from my opinion, its not just the 15% bonus of AT, its the -50% lost when ambushed !! i guess its just a way of playing it...but in terms of winning wars... keeping acres is a must !

  3. #3
    Enthusiast SoShaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ever since they limited ambush attacks to one shot they are not used that often. AND ambush will only lose you half of your land anyways, so -50% is 25% loss.. Not a big deal at all. The enhanced conquest is the key to war hero. Learn to use that effectively, keeping your Def up and you can get big quick OOW. During war.. T.march all the way, use conquest to double tap if you can.

  4. #4
    Enthusiast SoShaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ohhh and Elf Warrior is my vote for attacker

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    humm... interesting reply tanx for the tip
    (you know, sometimes they say its nice to say thank you !)
    ...not always making fun of others ideas and views!
    :) lolll
    Cause, the point is, i realy need to learn about Conquest particularities

  6. #6
    Enthusiast SoShaan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Conquest makes your hit power double, well think of it more along the lines of your target def. is half. Sending 50% will be successful, but best gains are sending 80% your targets def.
    Gains will be limited, sometimes the losses you take are hardly worth the attack. but conquest does generate a limited amount of honor (in war) and will push war meter.
    Enhanced conquest just removes the 5% NW limit that is put on everybody when OOW.

    Its nice for filling dungeons or when trying to bring down larger players.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Is this how turtling TM's are taken out? Or simply not effective due to the military casualties taken?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Warrior is only worth playing if you run the barracks to get down to a 8-9 hour attack time and have the dedication needed to play from a cell phone and wake up for attacks. If you don't plan on doing that go with War Hero. Spec and building credits are huge in war. The casualty bonus on top pitfalls can severely cripple an attacker if your kingdom uses many of them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I don't even worry about T/Ms. They can't attack so what's the point of them? I'd rather focus my efforts on people that can actually fight back. If you're a good enough hybrid you should be on par or better than any T/M in either the thief or magic field.

    This age our gnomes are looking forward to going after all of the DE/rogues that will be running around.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    thank you for the help :)

    So now that I'm going with Elf War Hero, building tips? :)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Buildings really depend on if you want to be a mage on the side or not and make use of your casualty bonus be casting pitfalls on the people you attack. You can get away with 5-7% towers if you don't want to use offensive magic at all. If you're looking to use some offensive magic you're going to need at least 15% towers and decent magic science. Assuming you want to just go straight attacker here's what I would do:

    8% Farm
    10% Guild
    7% Tower
    10-20% Barracks (Depending on Activity)
    15-20% TG
    10-15% WT (Keep clear sight on 24/7)
    10-15% Stable (depending on offensive units)
    5-10% Fort

    If you have space left over Homes, Guard Stations, Banks all wouldn't be bad.

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