On January 21st, YR1, we received this note...
To The Honorable King Ronin
I am writing on behalf of my kingdom about an urgent matter. Recently roughly 1200 gnome multis have popped up. Right now these are all awaiting-activation provinces but they will soon activate and leave protection. Though some are legit the vast majority are definitely multis. Click the random-kingdom button a few times and see for yourself.

We believe that the multis will be used to raze our kingdom. Since you have one in your kingdom, I'm requesting your help. There are two things you can do:

1. Offer an in-game ceasefire to our kingdom immediately. We will accept it immediately and will promise to never break it. As you can see from our kingdom page a NAP with us could be of benefit to you.
2. Watch the gnome in your kingdom. Get him to post in your forums to see if he is legit. If he leaves protection and begins razing a top kingdom, he is most likely leaving land defense (1 dpa) or close to it. Your kingdom can easily kill him off before he makes a second hit.

I sincerely hope that OMAC takes action to stop these multis. However if they don't, it's the responsibility of all of us to stop cheaters, particularly those within our own kingdoms. Please take this message seriously and do the right thing to help keep the game clean and fun for everyone.
Signed, The Humble Sir Conan of Conan The Destroyer (12:13)


No idea what this guy is on about..

but i have to agree with him...there are tones of gnomes awaiting activation..we have 4 in our kingdom now.

Can anyone shed some light on what he means or whats going on..
