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Thread: Understanding Trading

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Understanding Trading

    I was wondering as I haven't done a Trade before.

    If a player in your KD wants to quit. Can he give you his trade code via the EDIT page? And then as monarch can you leave that account floating for next few days whilst you wait for someone to take over the account?

    Does it work like that?

    Or do you have to find someone in another KD. Give him the trade code and get permission from that other KD's monarch as well.

    Then when that happens does Provinces swap KDs. Or is it just the Players that switch over.

    ie. have someone in my KD who is an Elf/Mystic. He wants to quit. I have no moves left. And I want to trade in someone else who is an Human/Merchant.

    Does the new person take the Elf/Mystic account or does bring over his Human/Merchant account?

    Or does he have to reset his account completely. Also does the Elf/Mystic account disappear as he no longer has an owner? Or can the new KD use it?

    Also do both KD's lose a trade point?

    Sorry the stuff in the Monarch Page about this is incredibly vague. OMAC should really fix it.

  2. #2
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ok if you trade provinces then both provinces get to restart. As in get a new name, new race pers and so on and will start in protection. The kingdom that generates the trade code loses the code.

    Now if you have a floating prov in which someone leaves(you lose nothing) but that person has to be moved into another kingdom. Which willleave his prov behind for someone to take over in that state.

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