This is a general caution statement for anyone requesting strategy based help.
The style and types of strategies used from player to player vary, and the skill and ability of many players here will vary. You will commonly find most of the answers you seek and get them within a fairly short amount of time. However, you should not always take the word of any single individual, and should be open to multiple suggestions.
There will be times when the information provided by the users of this board is not 100% accurate or may not be the best option for you.
I advise the users of the board to question what you can; asking for proof and/or resources. Double check everything if you are unsure of it! This is not only for verification of accuracy, but for your personal understanding and satisfaction.
In more direct requests, such as asking for formula's or building strategies/military strategies, personal judgment may be required.
Also, before posting PLEASE make sure the question you are asking has not already been addressed in any nearby thread. This is mainly for the sanity of the people offering help on these boards.