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Thread: Military Wage Mechanics

  1. #1

    Military Wage Mechanics

    It seems like its completely possible to get people into a low pop. situation where they aren't able to pay their military wages, but they aren't overpopped. In this situation, what are the mechanics of this? To what extent does the military disband? And do they desert or effectively convert to citizens?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    If you can't pay your wages to your military they won't fight. That's it.

    As soon as you manage to get enough gold to pay them at the tick of the hour they'll go back to normal and you can use them to attack.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    As long as you are able to pay 50% military wages you will not have military leave due to wages. If you are unable to pay 50% military wages IIRC the specs and elites will untrain to soldiers at a certain % based on how much you can pay, and this will continue until you have enough gc coming in to pay the 50% wages.

    The ability to drop someone's peasants low enough for this really to take any effect is very very small, I've only seen it happen once and that was several ages ago when I was dropped down to ~100 peasants with ~25k troops most of which were on attack and I couldn't drop them into peasants. That happens when you get massacred 30+ times before your armies get back from their first attack out.

    But think about it at 50% wages 1 peasant without any +%income modifiers can pay for what ~9 specs or elites. so how few peasants do you need to take someone down to so that they are unable to pay 50% with their full daily income? And just 1 bank can pay for ~100 specs or elites just with the +gc bonus.

  4. #4
    Any idea how 'Greed' factors into this? It would be interesting to make this another way to sort of neutralize a person. If Greed made it so soldiers would demand 125% pay or not attack, then it would be a lot more of a powerful spell. Right now it is one of the weakest out there.

  5. #5
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    if you combine greed + riots + FB you can POSSIBLY cause people to not be able to pay military...
    but as uzziah has mentioned, you need to get them to <1 pez/acre for this to be even remotely possible...

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