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Thread: Ask Realest and Friends...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    clarey is not on the list? :(

    and even tho realest says skill levels are not in particular order, it actually is xD

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    @dharan & oldbie
    u guys are pro, but i think that guy knows what he is doing. He says he doesnt use rax because of activity constraints, and we should respect that.

    Dharan speaks the truth. Your 20% homes are better placed elsewhere. High BE such as your 109% is also not optimal for performance. Its mostly a balance between army size and income, but 20% banks will provide more than enough income for any of your purpose.

    You should use 30% or more guilds out of war, and more if you can afford the space (by giving up your sentimental libs for example :p). There is no point if you have a 80 dpa unbreakable but lost all your peasants to Fireballs/tornadoes.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    saving spec credit would definitely be cool, tho try to think of it as a bonus rather than count on it as a strat cuz things may not always work out

    ive mentioned in another thread regarding dragon slay. for non top kds, its not a good idea to have everyone the same nw (actually imo its not a good idea for any kd to do that, but for different reasons in top kds). its a good idea to have ur better players grow bigger and play big roles in wars (aiding others, taking down enemy big provs, slaying dragons). no point having ur noob players take up 1/25th of the nw if they are only contributing 2%


    for warring undeads, i personally wouldnt think of it as "prov vs prov", but "kd vs kd". cuz undeads have high offense, and they DONT DROP as war progress. the things u can do to stop them are dragons, chaining and NS runs, all of which are not something one prov can do. so its best to decide as a kingdom how u want to approach it, and then base ur provs on that. for example if u decide to spam dragons, u might want a bit more banks and enough tpa to rob vaults, or if u wanna go NS heavy then u might consider getting 15~20% TD and 4~5 raw tpa, and so on

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    i missed the part abt him mentioning his activity constraints. anyway rax is good if u can hit 2x per day, which is pretty do-able for most ppl (hit once in the morning b4 work/school, hit again when u get back home). otherwise, perhaps put in some more homes (maybe 10%, for the BR bonus and added opa/dpa/wpa/tpa), hospitals, tgs, forts.

    undeads are good to chain down as they usually are on low defence and 0% hospitals. slap pitfalls/BG on, and after a couple of hits (with the added option of NS), probably most of ur kd can double-tap the undead.

  5. #20
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldbie View Post
    from the above build, i'll lose the 10% banks as humans alr have a great income + alchemy + rob vaults. unless the role is to be a good banker to the kd. and also less towers, since a decent channeling sci level can be easily pumped.

    8% farms
    15% TGs
    10% forts
    15% rax
    10% hospitals
    15% TDs
    15% guilds/towers
    10% stables
    2% dungeons
    15% Guilds/Towers??

    Having so low of both compounds the problem of needing them to begin with. Low guilds on a human will lead to epic self spell fails, which will in turn lead to lack of runes. My strategy was based around having enough guilds to limit fails, and enough runes to cover for those fails and still be able to recast.

    I also didn't see the comment on activity, I just saw where he said he was growing slow and safe. That just frees up 10% to do whatever with :P
    S E C R E T S

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    maybe he meant 1% tower and 14% guild and steal runes? thats certainly what i'd do

    imo both DHaran's and oldbie's strat will work. if i was to come up with one myself it'd probably be 90% similar. altho human/warhero is really not that good of a combo lol, for me its either HU/shep or HU/warrior

  7. #22
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Stealing runes is fine, but if you are running an A/T in war you don't want to be using stealth on resource stealing so often instead of doing damaging ops. IMO anyway :P

    I also wouldn't use War Hero on Human, tbh I didn't even take the perso into account when thinking of a build.
    S E C R E T S

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    main spells needed for humans are CB, NB and GP. not exactly rune-intensive or hard spells to cast. IA is useful, but not essential. and humans shld have no problems running a decent BE. i'll split it 13% guilds-2% towers.

    rob runes on elves are very easy and hurt a great deal.. if u can catch an elf ~12h inactive.. :)

    war hero (a very weak personality tho) is an attacker-based personality, one that benefits alot from running higher rax and attacking more frequently, hence more credits.

  9. #24
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waheed View Post
    clarey is not on the list? :(

    and even tho realest says skill levels are not in particular order, it actually is xD
    clarey = puppy101 noob

    um, if you must know the order I thought of them in, it was from noobest to pro-est.
    The End of an Era

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    pfft u just added puppy and vt2, thats cheating

  11. #26
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
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    puppy was always there :/
    The End of an Era

  12. #27
    I like to post MorbidAngel's Avatar
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    yep it was there from start

    Inferno of Absalom
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  13. #28
    Postaholic clarey's Avatar
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    I am looking for advice on maximizing my war and fortified (recovery) builds. (this being the latter example) Also, the science is concentrated in Income, BE, and Pop, smatterings in others because it seems worth it; advice there also welcome.
    You mention your science is sub 100 bpa. What level do you run it at? As human you should have no problem running Active. With sufficient banks you can probably even run focused as a normal rate. You may be tempted to drop science to Sustained if you're at a high draft and if need of income (especially if you followed some random's advice to not run banks, I reckon you shouldn't listen to him!) - DON'T. Your strength as a human lies in the amount of science you are able to amass so active should always be on! At the start, focus strongly on BE and Income (some into Pop), those give the greatest returns for starting provinces. As you grow, go for thief+magic science to free up space and then aggressively pump into Pop.

    So far, I have attacked infrequently, have stayed low acres, and no barracks has coincided with my offensive and activity capabilities. However, as my province (which is running at approximately 109% BE), grows, I want to not only be useful, but to keep my head down from being hit on more then I can recover. So I am currently using a slower attack time that allows for me to steadily, safely grow.
    Offense is the best defense. Since you started late(?), you are unlikely to deter attacks from larger provinces, only provinces smaller and around the same networth as yourself.

    Along that line of thought, barracks is not always a must if you can't pull it off. Nice for attackers if you are engaging in a retal war, but out of war in normal situations they are definitely depending on your circumstances. What military numbers do you run? As in, what kind of opa, dpa and tpa? Sustainable Growth doesn't mean you have to hit slowly, it just means that you have to hit WHEN your army gets back (every ~16h out of war subject to modifiers) and have a sustainable economy whilst doing so.

    In general, I'd say I don't really have enough info to advice you. For starters, I don't know how active or skilled your kingdom and its' leaders may be or what they may want you to run. I'm not sure what you mean by 'high dpa' and 'low opa'. Do you mean like a 70/30 ratio? or 90/10? So here are a few general comments based on what you have said.
    -- Your wpa sucks, deal with it. You're a human. You don't need a terribly good wpa to maintain GP, IA, BB and gather CBs or cast Pitfalls.

    -- Lets just take raw figures and say you have 25 people per acre. I'd prolly allocate 0.7 - 1 wizards per acre, 2 thieves per acre and 11 units per acre to be trained into ospecs/dpecs/elites. That's roughly a 60% draft. If you get up to the raw figures of 4 def specs per acre and 7 elites per acre that brings you to a raw 45dpa/42opa out of war which can easily be modified to 51dpa (no forts,mp up) and 55opa (tgs). You'd prolly get better numbers depending on science and if you run stables as well.

    -- How I'd run the province at the moment is to grow big (yes I compensate for my IRL size!). But no, to be honest there IS NOT MUCH TO LOSE if you grow smartly. If you get hit then sure you do lose income but the pop you gained+income and the science you gain is still invaluable. :p

    Here are examples of the strats I'd run -
    Out of Hostile/War situation
    9% Farms - some run 8% if you have the food sci. I abhor those people. :p
    15% Banks
    10% Armories - so you can do a quick and hard pump of leets
    15% Training Grounds
    11% Stables
    20% Guilds - run till you get the base 1 wpa then phase out to 10 - 13%.
    5% Towers
    5% Hospitals
    1% Dungeons

    Above strat leaves 9% free, let's consider that land in rebuilding / land lost or gained in hits etc. As you increase your elites per acre to say, 5 - 6 epa or so I'd phase in hospitals up to 13%. Take them from the guilds and arms. Naturally if you're already full elite offense you can take out the arms and may want to incorporate more TGs or Banks even and up your science rate to Focused+.

    In War
    10% Farms - If you're not 100% active, you wouldn't fancy getting vermin and your food stolen would you? =P
    5% Banks
    17% Training Grounds
    11% Stables
    15% Guilds
    5% Towers
    11% Hospitals
    2% Dungeons

    -- Get 2 raw TPA and fit in 15% TDs.

    -- This still leaves you 19% spare. Normally I'd dedicate 10% or so to barracks but since you mentioned you are unlikely to meet those activity requirements it's up to you whether you want to up the above %s or dedicate them to other buildings like forts instead.

    Also a few libraries that I refuse to move, its sentamental and pleasure inducing to have them there.
    Since you asked for advice, you're getting it. Move them! Don't get libraries till you have a decent bpa! It's taking up space! (~700bpa+ for humans).

    Quote Originally Posted by MorbidAngel View Post
    yep it was there from start
    "it"? Excuse me!?

    p.s. Damn you Realest for making me helpful once more.
    Utopian 5 Sept 2005 - 5 Sept 2013

  14. #29
    I like to post Realest's Avatar
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    wow, that is expert advice. hope the kid reads it all.

    I havent done **** so far, so keep up the good work, crew.
    The End of an Era

  15. #30
    Director of Age Changes
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    Nov 2008
    Imho, 15% TDs are a waste if you're going to use only 2 raw tpa...
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