"Lookin for Trouble" has been around for serveral ages in its current form.
We have slowly and surely climbing the charts.

We don't however really care about the charts.
Our KD is currently in the top 50 with 4 wins out of 5 wars.

One of our original players is leaving the game due to real life commitments.
This is quite sad for me as she was greatly involved in the development of the KD.
But these things are inevitable at some point.

We will be using an invite to move someone into her province.
Which is a 1500 acre Darkelf.

I would personally like t see a female as we now only have 2 females in the KD.
But, this isnt a requirement.

There are however a few requirements for membership into our Utopian family.

1) attack ~2/day in war
2) use MSN to chat with kdm8s
3) run a strong economy as an attacker hybrid
4) have a serious team mentality
5) respect fellow players in and out of our kd.
6) post all ops in pimp and forums and use angel to format
( although we do have a Mac user in our midst)

If you would like consideration you will need to catch me on MSN.
We have a few days till our next war so this is a good time to get in and personalize the province.

good communication will be my main motivating factor in choosing our new Utopian family member.