I visited the Jolt office yesterday for a meeting to discuss Utopia. I met with Brian and Sean to have a talk and get some information.

They are currently both fixing various bugs and issues when they can. The announcement they made still stands but they feel optimistic at the progress they are making (even with the time limitations they operate under).

They shared some goals for the future, new funcitonality and new content but emphasised they realistically want to focus on what needs done now before anyone can get too carried away with long term plans.

So on that note here are a few thoughts on the issues you've raised recently that we hope to address as soon as possible:

The Vacation Mode exploitation (when sitting/attacking)- this is still going to be investigated on a report by report basis by myself. However we need a change in the way this feature (cancelling sit) works to remove the need to check these reports. The end goal is to stop it from being exploited at all. Various soultions are being considered at this time and we feel a satisfactory solution can be reached.

The Ambush problem - Brian has been aware of the possible issues with Ambush for some time. He'd fixed the older code stopping previous problems with Ambush and was happy with the result but we are still receiving reports of problems. We'll be looking for concrete information on new reports and these will be passed on.

Abandon Province issues - There is some confusion over this. If a Kingdom does not have enough move codes then a leaving player will only have one option. Please check that your kingdom has move codes when you hear of a player reporting they can only choose to destroy their lands. If they do report the matter with supporting evidence it so I can notify Sean and Brian.

Finally the End of Age is approaching. This is a delicate time under normal circumstances. It must go ahead. We'll soon have a thread up for suggestions on changes and will try to get a concrete date for you as soon as possible.

These were just a few of the items discussed but these are the most relevant and pressing issues at this time.

As always I will provide more information on the issues above (and new issues) as often as I can.