Hello I cant be considered a vet of the game since i havent played in YEARS. I originally played way back when they had introduced happiness. (Dont know if they have done so again since then.) I played quite a few ages before then but honestly i cant remeber any thing that would stand out that would remind anyone of the age. In my time i have been with top warring kingdoms. Back when there was two servers (Battle grounds?) and WoL. Before genesis was ever thought of!

Anyway, on impulse i am back! I can be pretty active i have access to the internet 24/7 via my smart phone and i work nights. I have absolutely no idea what changes have been made since the last time i have played (2-3 years ago?) Gnomes are new to me though. I am a team player and can be very flexable on what to play and i can be very compitive. I am willing to share contact details for attacks. I am not sure what is needed for a invite sooo
email: aaronwgarrett at hotmail.com
AIM: Kevlarmaster