What is the Left? It depends on what you are measuring our current political environment by for starters. I prefer to us the American ruler or left is big government and anarchy on the Right. If you use socialism on one end and fascism on the other will your limiting you view just to which type of big government you like. Then we can add in social left and right, Conservatism Vs Liberalism but it seems we have a political ruler for those two names also. Go to another part of the world and views change also and it seems people have other rulers that they ,measure things by also.
Principles! now there is something you can hang your hat on that people will understand no matter where you are. You are either for it, against it or have no opinion about it. O' my, how tyrants hate that, propaganda has less of on affect if you say 'I know what I stand for and it is very clear to me.'

So there the first part is done, before you can say the Left is under collapse you have to define what the left is to you. There is a Right also for if there is a Left there has to be an opposite Right? yes/no? and if no then tell me how! Funny, the Progressives/Liberals was screaming that Conservationism was dead at the end of G. Bush run as president, lol. SO, don't even bother with the argument there is no left right left right! I understand that point and agree if we were using no measuring ruler other than principles. Guess what, measuring rulers on where people stand will be done anyway!

So with that out of the way is the Left collapsing in Europe? After Nov, 4 2010 we will now in America!
