We've completed and tested the feature to automatically top kingdoms up with invites. It will be deployed shortly.

To put it succinctly: Every 3 game years, any kingdom with less than the initial allocation of 3 invites left will get replenished with an extra invite. So, a kingdom that really burns through its invites will get (maximum) 7 to play with during a normal length age.

A more detailed summary follows:

- At start of age, everyone has 3 invites.
- YR3 Jan 1, any Kingdom with less than 3 invites left gets replenished with an extra invite.
- YR6 Jan 1, any Kingdom with < 3 invites gets replenished with an extra invite.
- YR9 Jan 1, any Kingdom with < 3 invites gets replenished with an extra invite.
- YR12 Jan 1, any Kingdom with < 3 invites gets replenished with an extra invite.

The manual top-up we did earlier this week simulated this behavior for YR3 Jan 1 of this age. Assuming the deployment runs on time with no complications, kingdoms will get another automatic top-up on YR6 Jan 1.

You can continue the discussion here.