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Thread: WAR ARTICLE: TheAncients make stand against Melee Weapons

  1. #16
    Post Fiend lovefool's Avatar
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    maddy ftw!!!
    This is SG Kingdom, if you are reading this you are the resistance - #Spore

    [11:23] <~ravenant> .add order CHECK HaLL board for the war ROLL CALL, update self pimp info, all of them, if u cant make it, setup ccproxy and find someone to help u out
    Perfection. Fratzia. Sanitarium. Snowflake aka SG Kingdom. Sanctuary of Absalom. Rage of Absalom.

  2. #17
    Veteran Igor444's Avatar
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    Just got out of a 177h war if you guys are interested in reporting that. Between KD's (XX:XX) and (XX:XX)
    feel free to contact monarchs if you wish.

    Also, Hi Maddy
    Last edited by Igor444; 28-06-2011 at 12:20. Reason: remove locs

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    what really happened was The Ancients thought they could take advantage of Melee Weapons war record by fattening them up through a drawn out hostile. It's a good article and all, but it's seriously biased against Melee Weapons and there was never any bullying tactics of any kind. If you mean learning a province into the ground because the kd that supposedly doesn't want war pulls a full massacre wave then there was definitely bullying tactics. Bottom line is both kd's were evenly matched at time of first wave, Ancients didn't want war, just wanted to sit in hostile and massacre all t/ms, so Melee Weapons started a land wave to outgrow and move on, that's when the Ancients declared, after they had Melee Weapons fattened up. Bullying tactics? No, bad decision by MrCurious to look at only war records and not at both kd's who participated in those wars, yes.
    Last edited by dilligaf; 28-06-2011 at 13:54.

  4. #19
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Ok you edited yours so I'll edit mine, lol. But I would like to still point out articles are (should be) approved by leadership from both kingdoms before publishing. Comments on the war from people involved are of course welcome, it only adds to the story!
    Last edited by DHaran; 28-06-2011 at 14:13.
    S E C R E T S

  5. #20
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
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    Given that I have spoken to both monarchs as well, they were both happy.

    I literally explained what TheAncients told me they felt, that doesnt make the article biased. That is simple what they said. I cant chase up on all facts because facts are always two pronged, they didnt point out issues to me, and both MrCurious and Lead_Pipe were happy with the article.

  6. #21
    Forum Addict Scavenger's Avatar
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    How does one take advantage of a war record??

  7. #22
    Post Fiend
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    Oh dear. I knew we would see remarks like that. Dilligaf, a 500k NW difference when you guys waved, us in econ build and fat + no ressources - how would you judge a opponent skills when they deliberately hit so low on a unprepared kd?

    Even so, I told your leader we were not ready, but that we would speed up the conversion and return the favor at a later date. I even told him we would not make use of the 20 pts war meter hostile you built up. Even so, when someone tells me they will feed on my kd, i tend to take that as a provocation. So what happened, happened. We never look at war records, we knew Lead was former abs, so it didn't take us long to put 2 and 2 together, namely: Fake wars ftw. As i said earlier, most kds being 800k+ nw down & 10k + acres, in the state we were in, would never have called you out. We did, only to stand our ground and flip you the bird, basically. The war was fought and it ended, both sides got what they wanted out of it. We will have a rematch next age for sure, on a more even NW spectre - im sure it will be a interesting fight.

    Gods speed and have a nom nom RoA

    KC out

    PS: Thank you Maddy for your great work on this article. I think both Lead and me can agree, we actually had a fun and tough war, which is what this game is about. The rematch next age will be epic for sure
    Last edited by MrC-TheAncients; 28-06-2011 at 14:20.

  8. #23
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Yay, generating discussion ftw!! Also thanks to Bishop for the Throne Page shoutout for the News Team's debut article lol.
    S E C R E T S

  9. #24
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    PM DavidC for test server access

  10. #25
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
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    Yeah I am speaking to Bishop atm, once we start to pump out a few more articles he will lobby for separate forums which would be useful

  11. #26
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    Forum rules are forum rules. No exceptions.
    this makes the news initative a lot less... good

    maddy, this could have used a better proofread

  12. #27
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    I know Bishop also brought up that topic before, about whether the no locs rules needs to be changed. Maybe worth reopening that convo for news, since all parties agree to be involved.

    This has already generated forum activity, so it's a good start :P
    Last edited by DHaran; 28-06-2011 at 14:38.
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  13. #28
    Game Support Bishop's Avatar
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    i cant see why they'd want the locs to be shown - they are pretty much a "fat provs here lol" sign.
    Support email: <- please use this and don't just PM me| Account Deleted/Inactive | Utopia Facebook Page |
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  14. #29
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
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    titan, there isnt a fully formal structure in place yet so the current team of people will alter slightly until we have everything bedded in. Right now its about getting the articles out, there are going to be mistakes regardless anyway

  15. #30
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    i cant see why they'd want the locs to be shown - they are pretty much a "fat provs here lol" sign.
    good point lol, although you can find them easily regardless, not like we have a lot of kingdoms lol.
    S E C R E T S

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