Please let us know what you think of the potential changes in this thread - specifically about the personalities and what you guys think about the races spellbooks.
Please let us know what you think of the potential changes in this thread - specifically about the personalities and what you guys think about the races spellbooks.
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what does "subject to dbe" mean? are we getting x2 land instead of x2 effect?
so nothing realy changed?
Change wait to see "There are also some other plans and changes in the works, but we aren't quite ready to speak about them". It'll be a boring age with so little changes.
Thanks for the post!
I see nothing in these changes which will deal with the undead fake war exploit. As it stands, a kd full of UDs can hit out of fake war and still obtain elite conversions without suffering losses.
Please add UD losses or eliminate conversions during OOW hits.
This is my province. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My province is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My province, without me, is useless. Without my province, I am useless.
I must attack hard with my province. I must attack harder than my enemy who is trying to pk me. I must pk him before he pk's me. I will...
rogue? merchant is worse.
Elves looks quite strong with a 7/6 army and only dungeon restriction.
Thankyou!Capping the meter and making the button appear to both kingdoms when this cap is reached.
Though I would prefer to see better changes than just nerfing everything. Spice it up a bit more :)
I agree, Elfs are really held back on offense with only a 6 point elite and usually high wpa being A/M.
Orcs, Trainable 9 point elites and +30% gains is too much. I would either take one point off the elite or reduce the gains to +20%.
Orcs are almost impossible to chain as it is with their offense and +30% gains.
Glad to see response to the commonly wanted cap for button. Generally this age was quite balanced, so creds on that for last age changes.
As for next age; please consider adding an actual change to game mechanics in some way. There is nothing in there, at all, that changes how kd's plan and play. Everyone saw how this age played out and with such similiarity people will pick with all the answers.
I suggest strengthening dwarves to add another viable choice. For instance through 7/5 elite. Undeads sucked this age for anyone not exploiting them, who got great numbers, but guess this is hard to battle. Make Faery +25% magic effect and +1 offspecs while maintaining old elite cost so to make them viable as a/M. As always, when strengthening it gets a tad overdone, elves are bit too good.
I fail to see how the switch in Warrior and Tactician bonus strenghtened them. +10 OME is about 7% TG's and -15% hit time about 10% raxes, but with many other off mods they're about the same. A switch doesn't really make either stronger (and def. not both as is said to be the intention), but isn't a bad thing as it mixes stuff up. I suggest give Shephard a +10% honor gains bonus or similiar to open up for a new usage of that (otherwise useless) pers.
Please announce the exact effect of DME for rogue/merchant as well as what the cap of the hostility meter will be.
If you do not have a new honor system ready, 3 minor changes are:
* No honor loss in EoW CF
* Decrease honor for mage ops (45 honor lost for 1 MS compared to 5 gained for 1 Prop, both marquises in NW range)
* Increase base honor gain for attacks, but (if possible) add honor GBP
Other things to play around with to create differentiation in playing style could be to add a new stance, change dragons, do something about free credits at end of war, have honor created for WW's in addition to taken... Some ideas.
Last edited by Elurin; 04-07-2011 at 16:52.
how many successful orcs did you see this age? better yet, how many orcs did you see?
instead of a new post I'll edit this one:
"elves are bit too good."
maybe. maaaaaaybe. as strong as they seem to be, an elf attacker will get beaten by any of the main attackers save a late game UD. an elf a/m will be severly gimping their attacking power due to no actual WPA bonus. their military is only slightly better than human or avian, but both of those have a very big game changer in either 25% income or 25% shorter attack speed.
Last edited by twitched; 04-07-2011 at 16:55.
Please re-check the minimum gains formula in war.
At the moment banks can farm massive acres (1.5/2k acres a day) without chance of retal.
The changes for Elves seems to be boosting the race significantly with the 7/3 elites and added spell's strength & duration. Since they already have +2mana/tick enabling them to cast so much more additional spells, i feel that the added spell's strength & duration shld be eliminated.
Also suggesting for Elf to have +1mana/tick and for Mystics to also have +1mana/tick. By doing so, this will allow more players to have the flexibility/added benefit of playing A/M(on other races) without having to stick to the traditional elf A/M.
For faeries, suggesting for their elite cost to be 850gc. The -10% population has been a very bad disadvantage already.
Just a little side-tracking. For hostility Meter, suggest for Plunder/Massacre/Learn attack to also generate 1 hostile point per hit, same with traditional march. Being in an active warring kingdom, we have explored many methods to make use of the current hostile meter. This is just an opinion, as the non-TM attacks are equally as damaging as a T-March, but just without taking the acres. Also suggesting, Unfriendly relationship to take 7.5 hostile points. Hostile relationship to require 15 hostile points (This will allow pre-war hostility to be more heated up, intensive and exciting). Both kingdoms to reach a minimum of hostile relations to have the option to war. Aggressive stance to add 50% to conflict meter but has +30% military wages(this would be more significant disadvantage of being aggressive).
Last edited by janzel; 04-07-2011 at 17:03.
That is there to deter fake wars.
TMs already get almost no honour when doing ops, and can lose a good amount of it in one attack. Reducing their honour gains for ops further probably isn't a good idea. I do like the honour GBP though.* Decrease honor for mage ops (45 honor lost for 1 MS compared to 5 gained for 1 Prop, both marquises in NW range)
* Increase base honor gain for attacks, but (if possible) add honor GBP
Elves can't take advantage of the +2 mana per tick without the mystic bonus to towers anyway.
Yes please. Especially with the rogue nerf.For faeries, suggesting for their elite cost to be 850gc. The -10% population has been a very bad disadvantage already.
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