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Thread: WAR ARTICLE: ZZ, Sleepy & Singapore in menage a trois!

  1. #61
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaman5 View Post
    One thing I would query:

    Fuzzy, you say you chose not to double-hostile Sleepy by hitting into Sanctuary's hostile with them, yet you claim a state of hostile still existed between you. Which is it mate, one or the other? The two statements are mutually exclusive....
    I claimed nothing, I listed facts. Sleepy razed into our FW (FW we were using to prep for Sleepy) and no diplo talks took place to end the hostile. Not ZZ's fault Sleepy then ran into another hostile with Sanc (Sleepy thus getting themselves into a double hostile). Instead of being dicks and hitting into Sleepies 2nd hostile we decided to wait so its 1 v 1.

    Next time when you're trying to look clever please try and do it right!

    Quote Originally Posted by tak3shi View Post
    I don't know why you b!tch about getting hit in war when you broke the 48 hour notice and hit in 5 hours instead of 48. My thinking is if you had the balls to war them 1 on 1 then u would have warred sleepy and gotten out of the war warred them after sleepy. All the talk about vulture and fw is **** when yourself broke the 48h notice.
    LOL arn't you another xlogging HoHer? Pot calling the kettle black.
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  2. #62
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    I notice people don't know what a hostile means apparently.

    I will repeat myself: IF kd A hits kd B and gives hostile today and kd B doesn't hit back/declare then kd B is NOT in hostile with kd A till end of age or for another few ages because they did nothing when they got hit. They are hostile by the time the kd relations decrease to unfriendly ( in our case hostile went to no relations, not even unfriendly ). So saying Sleepy got into a double hostile when we waved Sanctuary is stupid and shows why ZZ is so nub. We ran to no double hostile, we just waved a different kd when we had NO RELATIONS with you and when you exit fake war there were NO RELATIONS between the 2 kds. I don't know where people get the idea that if kd A does few hits on kd B then they are hostile till end of age or till diplomacy is done. Why would I come to talk with you? I had no reason to do it. We noticed and you ran to FW. If you were unprepared or not AIN'T MY BUSINESS. You stayed fat and with hell of gc on and yet you needed a week of fake war? wtf dude ... are you serious? when you exit fake war you had avergae 40 mil gc stocked / province( that we stole and coasted fools gold on ). You ran hopping for "diplomacy" to get a CF that I didn't want to give.

    On a side note ... you claim you broke CF after 5 hours instead of 48 and hit Singapore cause you were in hostile? In hostile with whom? Did you have hostile relations with anyone in your kd page? I guarantee you didn't so stop talking **** and admit you got your a$$ shaved because you were dumb ( or CGG was ).

    Do you know why you got gang banged? because CGG's statement : "I don't care" when he was told he was wrong in what he did. If ZZ doesn't care when they do sh!ty stuff why would we care when we do it back to you?

    Next time play fair and you'll be treated same way
    Last edited by coss; 08-07-2011 at 11:36.

  3. #63
    Enthusiast UnBan Hurlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shida View Post
    i didnt take time to read all this, its nothing i havent read before from any age that i was around zz which is years ago, zz is and always will be interesting if nothing else
    i think most of us really old timers might have a kingdom in their past that they are attached to by the heart, mine is and was zz, i have always been their biggest cheerleader even when it wasnt popular to cheer them on.
    i have no idea if you guys are really disbanding for good, i know there is only a small shell of players that have been in the kingdom for a long long time, and if they stop playing then zz will i think die for sure.
    anyway love you guys alot, always have, always will, past and present players, once zz always zz at heart
    good luck guys
    <3 ................ =)

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  4. #64
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    coss stop being stupid - i never said relations i said hostile. you razed into our FW (FW we were using to prep for war with Sleepy so you cannot say "o i didnt know ZZ was prepping for us and would come OOFW and continue the fight - if so then u my friend are very blind). you knew we were prepping for a war with sleepy and you new at some point we'd come out.

    in ZZ eyes we still had an open hostile with Sleepy and so SG giving notice was against our cf terms and so we were able to cancel the cf asap while in Sleepies eyes the hostile died away and so SG could give notice - so we will never settle this.

    you sent your dip**** ally at us as webmaster pointed out (i provided the irc log of it in an early post) knowing it was the only way to defeat us properly because you knew 1 v 1 (you would of won most likely anyway) ZZ would of hurt some of your provs so instead of SG w8ing for the war to end they hit into the war and not even maxing for most of it - nono they had to massacre and raze thus insuring you get to farm.

    but hey im glad you think kingdom relations = open hostile. it doesnt matter what you say to try and sugar coat it - SG hit into an active war = lame. hostile ends when both sides do diplo things and officially end it instead of sucking **** out of our thumbs and trying to guess things.

    we never ran in hope for a cf either idiot - we ran to prep because we all (in ZZ) new how hard warring you would be - you really think we would just hop into a war with Sleepy and not be ready?

    its simple fact SG could of w8ed for our war to end but nooooooo they didnt have the balls for it.

    we never got our ass shaved as u put it - if you call doubling up 2 v 1 an ass shaving then lol good for u - when you can win without asking your dip**** ally to hit into war then i'll respect Sleepy again.

    /me waits to see what other words Coss tries to use to sugar coat it.

    and I state again - Neither sleepy SG have the right to dictate to ZZ what an open hostile is. and yes thats right, i said HOSTILE not kingdom page relations. learn to read!

    anyway im done with this - in the end you and your ally took the dirty path - anything to win hey or try to cause in the end even coming 2nd is worthless

    one side note: if ZZ did act dirty and so on then fine but have the balls to come for us when we aren't locked in a very challenging war, one we probly would of lost anyway. Sleepy vs ZZ war ends SG target ZZ - at least we would of had a fighting chance. Hell even doubling us OOW would of been fine but i suppose bravery died out in Singapore hence why they wont be anything more than a DOT
    Last edited by fuzzy|; 08-07-2011 at 12:54.
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  5. #65
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    Maybe you are confused. Or perhaps you simply have no clue why you ended up in such a sorry state. Stop harping on the fact we did hit you in war with yes, masscares/razes/TMs. That is something we have no problem doing as well as admitting now. You broke a deal and from there on, you've unfortunately gave us a pretty darn good reason to do almost anything in response that we deemed as fair (within game rules).

    Now lets not kid ourselves fuzzy. When I gave notice you and your leaders accepted it and gave comments like "cya on the field" etc.. and even went so far as to confirm the exact time we could start hitting you. Had you really believed that you were still in an active hostile, you'd acted like any logical person would - Ask us to retract notice as giving it would meant a breach of CF terms. But no, instead you decided to accept the notice and then break it shortly after knowing that would be a bad time for us as most of the KD isnt around (such are the drawbacks of a country based kingdom). Bad move there so what did you expect? Us to just walk away?

    Also, about "coss asking us to give notice", thats bull**** through and through. Post the logs if you like. I explained the exact logs several times to you or almost anyone who would listen. When i gave notice u accused me of coordinating with abs by saying "funny you gave notice few mins after we gave rage/fury". I then proceeded to explain to you that we have intended to give notice for a very long time now and many people including coss also have been asking me when i would be giving ZZ notice. Hence, me saying "coss asked too". Instead you took my words and twisted its meaning in a bid to justify your dealbreaking. Bad move 2nd.

    We could've gave you notice into your fake war since our CF have already expired but since our terms was "no notice in war/hostile/eowcf, i decided to wait till you guys were OOFW before serving notice (even tho it was a FW). Yet you just went ahead and dealbreak us in such a contemptible manner. If CGG was more reasonable when I asked why did you guys break CF I might be more willing to let it slide alittle and not double team you with Sleepy. Sadly, the response i got was "Because i felt like it" and then followed by another hit on our bank. You asked for all these so dont blame anyone but yourselves.
    Last edited by w3bmaster; 08-07-2011 at 14:12.

  6. #66
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    "in ZZ eyes we still had an open hostile with Sleepy and so SG giving notice was against our cf terms and so we were able to cancel the cf asap while in Sleepies eyes the hostile died away and so SG could give notice - so we will never settle this." >> dude, it's not what you believe ( or better said you want others to believe ) but what the facts actually were. People that want to give you notice will NEVER ask you :" in your eyes ... do you believe you are hostile with Sleepy? I know they did 3 randoms in year 2 and now we're year 12 but still ... we care about what you believe " they will just SIMPLY give you notice and IF in your eyes it looks like it's not ok to receive it because few weeks someone else did some randoms on you, then you'll go and tell to the one giving notice: dude, we are hostile! In our eyes, the hits Sleepy did on us some weeks ago still keep some hostile relations between the 2 of us. You will be laughed at and waved after 48 hours.

    So to make it clear once again for you: You had NO relations with ANYONE by the time Singapore gave you notice even if "in your yes" you were hostile with all the kds you ever hit (or got hit by) this age then my friend you have SERIOUS PROBLEMS.
    Last edited by coss; 08-07-2011 at 14:08.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by w3bmaster View Post
    I already said I disagreed with CGG's decision, but in my eyes you (and all of SGKD) are the last who should be pointing fingers about breaking deals.
    Everyone knows how you participated and abused the GB on Sonata. Everyone also knows how you got served for it.
    Also, since rumor is that you're disbanding at EoA again and most people know that "You'd do whatever it takes to win"... if we are to place bets wether you will or wont break another CF this age, my money is on that you will break another CF deal, most likely with Sonata ;p

  8. #68
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Why am I not surprised coss and webmaster are still doing this stuff lol. Every time Secrets would attempt to engage Sleepy, we'd get noticed by Snowflake. Every time Secrets would attempt to engage Snowflake, Sleepy would give notice. A pattern has formed methinks! I wonder if they still share players too.
    S E C R E T S

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by prot View Post
    I already said I disagreed with CGG's decision, but in my eyes you (and all of SGKD) are the last who should be pointing fingers about breaking deals.
    Everyone knows how you participated and abused the GB on Sonata. Everyone also knows how you got served for it.
    Also, since rumor is that you're disbanding at EoA again and most people know that "You'd do whatever it takes to win"... if we are to place bets wether you will or wont break another CF this age, my money is on that you will break another CF deal, most likely with Sonata ;p
    Who are you? When we spoke you didnt represent ZZ neither did we conducted diplo talks. It doesnt really matter what you agree or disagree. Yes, we joined in a GB on sonata and we lost over 55kacres as a result of it. Not something i've taken so hard as to disband after getting owned :P

    As you've said. You heard rumours and they are just nothing but rumours.. We do however plan to honor our EOA NAP with Dreams as they have proven to be reasonable and sensible people in this entire saga agreeing at several points you deserved what you got.

  10. #70
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coss View Post
    .....So to make it clear once again for you: You had NO relations with ANYONE by the time Singapore gave you notice even if "in your yes" you were hostile with all the kds you ever hit (or got hit by) this age then my friend you have SERIOUS PROBLEMS.
    grow up idiot - ive stated I never said kingdom page relations - i stated open hostile. all the other kingdom that hit ZZ or ZZ hit ended up talking and cfing/re-cfing and you making such a statement shows how desperate you are to sweet this under the rug.

    just accept you doubled and move on.
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  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    Why am I not surprised coss and webmaster are still doing this stuff lol. Every time Secrets would attempt to engage Sleepy, we'd get noticed by Snowflake. Every time Secrets would attempt to engage Snowflake, Sleepy would give notice. A pattern has formed methinks! I wonder if they still share players too.
    Im pretty certain your ability to identify patterns is terribly flawed. When secrets was around i barely knew more than 3-4 guys from Snowflake as i've been playing in Sleepy for almost 2years. It was only age 48 did I joined Snowflake and brought over all the singaporean players i knew in Sleepy. We've never shared players and only been close allies.

  12. #72
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    to clarify something:

    If I broke rules then I have no problem getting doubled OOW (I didnt see Dreams hitting into any of SGs real wars but ok they broke their cf and waved but atleast they had the balls to do it OOW) but SG had its chance to get revenge before we got declared on by sleepy (we could of continued our hostile with SG and taken it to war if they wanted to but they asked to re-cf) - they chose to w8 till ZZ was locked in war and couldnt even try to defend ourselves.

    I have 0 issue with wat Sleepy or SG said about us breaking the cf deal (even if I think its 50/50) but the showed how low they willing to go by doubling some1 in war.

    Coss and Webmaster I dont want to have a war of words with either of you - my personal views are what they are just like you have your own views.

    Sleepy vs ZZ could of been a good war but we'll never know now.
    Last edited by fuzzy|; 08-07-2011 at 14:33.
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  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by w3bmaster View Post
    Who are you? When we spoke you didnt represent ZZ neither did we conducted diplo talks. It doesnt really matter what you agree or disagree. Yes, we joined in a GB on sonata and we lost over 55kacres as a result of it. Not something i've taken so hard as to disband after getting owned :P

    As you've said. You heard rumours and they are just nothing but rumours.. We do however plan to honor our EOA NAP with Dreams as they have proven to be reasonable and sensible people in this entire saga agreeing at several points you deserved what you got.
    Who cares wether I did or did not represent ZZ when we spoke. I can share my opinion on a public forum, can't I? Afraid that I say something that may hurt your personality??

    ZZ was close to disbanding before this already and would have most likely disbanded EoA anyway. Bragging about a double hostile isn't very impressive ;p

    And theres a saying "where smoke is, is fire". I wont be surprised if theres 'fire' close to age end... but perhaps I'm wrong. Who knows.

  14. #74
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prot View Post
    .....I can share my opinion on a public forum, can't I?.....
    pfft Prot Coss and Webmaster dictate whats personal opinion and what a public forum is just like they dictate what an open hostile is.
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  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy| View Post
    to clarify something:

    If I broke rules then I have no problem getting doubled OOW (I didnt see Dreams hitting into any of SGs real wars but ok they broke their cf and waved but atleast they had the balls to do it OOW) but SG had its chance to get revenge before we got declared on by sleepy (we could of continued our hostile with SG and taken it to war if they wanted to but they asked to re-cf) - they chose to w8 till ZZ was locked in war and couldnt even try to defend ourselves.

    I have 0 issue with wat Sleepy or SG said about us breaking the cf deal (even if I think its 50/50) but the showed how low they willing to go by doubling some1 in war.

    Coss and Webmaster I dont want to have a war of words with either of you - my personal views are what they are just like you have your own views.

    Sleepy vs ZZ could of been a good war but we'll never know now.
    Granted, we did hit ZZ in a slightly less than honorable manner by pretending to accept the CF and then breaking it when we were fully converted. A similar courtesy we were afforded by Dreams earlier on. Only that back then we got waved on 30+% draft and they refused to allow us to train up and fight a fair war. I can totally understand where they were coming from and thus, adopted a identical mindset - Dont give people a reason to ass-rape you or else everything would be a fair game.

    Believe it or not, the initial plan was for us to wave you together with Sleepy OOW 20hrs after you started hitting in hope of you declaring us. However, when you started hitting Sleepy everything was pushed forward and we decided to go in full force. But then again, that would also involved Sleepy hitting from OOW so not much of a difference.

    To prot: I didnt meant that you are not entitled to your personal opinion but if you dont get my drift then i wont bother responding to you anymore. Go ahead and say whatever you think might affect my erm.. "personality". If you have anything that is. And yes, we'll know come EOA

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