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Thread: Kingdom History: Sinners

  1. #1
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Post Kingdom History: Sinners

    Ages 34-45, Age 54.

    Kingdom Profile
    Sinners was founded by UnknownGhost (UG), formerly of Playboys. It joined the Nordic Alliance (NA) in Age 35 and Covenant in Age 41. It was involved in the NA/HAJ awar, the NA/ZEN awar, and the Cov/Abs awar. Sinners was a (usually) competent warring kingdom that made two attempts to crown (Ages 38 and 42), both of which failed. It was deleted & reinstated twice, in ages 40 and 45. Sinners is Troll Deity Anri's inspiration.

    Kingdom Full Profile
    Sinners began by warring traditionally mid-tier alliance kingdom. NI, TF, KLA, and independent entities which occupied the top 100 during the 30s. This was primarily because we never explored OOP. This got us a lot of wars, but the majority of them were not exceptionally challenging. By EOA we were usually in the top 20/30 and just traded waves with the kingdoms around us, constrained by CFs or size from fighting many others. This is a shortcoming we had until the 40s.

    During Age 38 we attempted to crown. Part of this involved 'switching' with Playboys: They tagged Sinners and we tagged Playboys, and while they were smaller and warring, we were bigger and dicing. This worked out pretty well for us, as we had NAP'd everybody in the top 10 except for Seasons, who, at the time, were a relatively new kingdom. We had run 25 DE's, and with Seasons refusing to CF we chose to run all def. This turned out to be a huge mistake, as Seasons also had NAPs and were able to out pump us and take roughly 100k acres. AFAIK it is the 3rd largest farmout in Utopian history, much to our shame. Interestingly enough Age 38 was also when we recruited much of what would become our core. Blizz had departed, but we recruited Bry, Di, Skieve, and several others who would become integral parts of the kingdom for many ages.

    Age 40 is when we suffered the first of two mass deletions/reinstations. We had planned a wave on LLD for (I think) the 16th, and noticed during the 15th that Notorious KLA was taking our intel. They waved us and we returned the favor instead of proceeding with our wave on LLD. Because we had a 24-25 star wave that followed theres immediately, they reported us and we were deleted within hours, leaving just 3 provinces. Bigfoot, who was running Game Support (Bishop's job) at the time corresponded with us over the course of about a week, and when he was satisfied that we hadn't cheated he reinstated us. Unfortunately our provinces started from 400 acres and in protection, and after the week of uncertainty many of our players were unmotivated. We spent the remainder of the age waving ghettos, though none would war us. This led to our name change to Deception and a shift in our roster for age 41, where we subsequently lost several wars to lesser opponents (I wasn't very active and didn't play for the majority of the age, and did not witness this firsthand), as well as our induction into Covenant.

    Age 42 was the Cov/Abs awar. We had decided to try our hand at whoring again, and had a pretty solid start and lead by the time the awar began, and well into it as well. Unfortunately because of poor coordination, selfishness, general disinterest and an overall lack of competency, the awar took a turn for the worst. Rage was the first kingdom to declare on us, and they had suffered massive razing on about 15 provinces prior to that. They were able to top feed us pretty hard, and with the help of Abs razing us we were forced to withdraw. Grace was the next to declare, and once again Abs' organization was more then we could handle and we lost again. Overall this was a pretty bad age for us, though not for a lack of effort. We were just on the wrong side, the blame for which we accept. Absalom had offered us membership and an uncontested crown that age if we would jump ship from Covenant. I hadn't been in favor of joining (that I recall) from the beginning, but I had a number of friends in Cov who I didn't want to betray. Consensus within leadership was that we should remain with Cov, and that was our mistake.

    Ages 43 and 44 were pretty standard for us. We waved kingdoms, defeated most of KLA, some new upstarts, started a rivalry with Pulse, took on half of HaLL in our final war of age 44, and won/lost some decent wars. Age 45 we were reported once more by KLA, though it was Petrified we had waved this time around, and deleted. Sometime later we were again reinstated, although literally days before that we had moved into a shell. Many players went inactive, and our leadership was primarily UG/Steel/Robbin/Stealer/Thraxnor, though Di & Skieve were still involved. Magic had long since gone inactive and Folle had left the kingdom. UG was preoccupied with work and family, and I had less time to play too. We intended to take the remainder of 45 off and start fresh for 46, but with UG and myself away the kingdom fell to Robbin and Stealer. This lasted all of two weeks before they disbanded Sinners and moved on to Old School and CanWe.

    In ages 51 and 54 we tried to rebuild Sinners, though the first attempt isn't worth mentioning. We did a massive recruitment drive and the result was terrible quality players, including two from Simians. UG went inactive half way through the age, as did Bry. This essentially left Di, Skieve, Magic, Folle and myself from Sinners, and everybody else was completely new. A number of the players were pretty decent, but without proper direction and consistent quality/activity from the players it was hopeless.

    Age 54 was a better effort, involved more of our old core, and we primarily recruited straight out of the ghetto we took over. I'd say it was a pretty worth successor, but we just couldn't make it work. I would play with most of those players again in a heart beat, however, and some I have.

    We made it a point to engage and destroy any kingdom run by flutterby, this included The Black Roses (which disband after we spent 2 weeks hitting them), GIRLS (also disband?), and Pixar (disband while we hit them).

    Pretty much from the time I joined we had a strong presence on AR, between UG, Illu and myself. This remained constant throughout our 11 ages and we had an incredible amount of fun on AR, uTimes, and even here. If someone had statistics for bans across the 3, I'm sure Sinners members would be at the top of that list.

    Steel, Magic, Folle, Blizz, Illu, Di & Skieve, Stealer, Robbin(Eus), Demad

    Notable Members
    Bry, NBK, Rens, Tooly, Greendale, Foolseye, Mikeland, Candyman, MorbidAngel

    Age 34
    50 Sinners 11,323,192

    Age 35
    16 SinNAz 22,176,362

    Age 36
    15 Sinners of Asgard 23710726

    Age 37
    36 Sinners 20,817,878

    Age 38
    19 Sinners 20,709,484

    Age 39
    24 S I N N E R S 16,800,619

    Age 41
    18 Deception Covenant 15,941,011

    Age 42
    40 Decepticons 13,550,789

    Age 43
    18 Sinners vs Chickens 15,756,926

    Age 44
    26 SinnersBEATINGgaNzz 9,722,235

    Notable Conflicts/Wars
    Regulators (35) - We had just come out of a war in which we obliterated Sentinels NI, and had waved Wrath without getting a war. Regulators hit us and we were thrilled to war them. This was my first real taste of war, and we were completely unprepared for the punishment they bestowed upon us. It was a terrible loss, but a really fun war.

    Simians (44?) - Anri and Co had just started to trash talk on uTimes actively, and they'd tried to make themselves out to be a warring kingdom. We took them on and I think they managed like 68 uniques by min time, and lost 20k acres or something. It was a prett sad war, but cemented our right to troll Anri forever, as he made a big fuss about being awesome just prior to that. Predictably his excuse for losing was that it was a summer age.

    WarCry (43) - WarCry had won the easiest crown of all time in age 42, and this age we ended up warring them OOP. We didn't know who they were, but both kingdoms had the same setup (Elf/Orc). We both heavy chained in waves, we both had great activity, used soldier aid to combat overpop, etc. It was a very intense war and lasted at least a week IIRC. We got pointers from all sorts of people from allied kingdoms, and it was the most fun I've ever had in a war. Ultimately our biggest mistake was chaining their Elves for the first few waves, they managed to FB/LL us considerably and just chained our Orcs. We weren't able to grow any unbreakables and in the end it was either going to continue on in relative stalemate forever, or we were afraid we would lose. We decided to withdraw, but were all happy with the sheer activity we'd maintained and how even we kept things.
    Last edited by Palem; 09-07-2013 at 02:32. Reason: locs

  2. #2
    Post Demon Hurlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    One of the things I used to love about KLA is how we always seem to attract the funniest fanboys

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    And tomo! pfft!

  4. #4
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    what about me? i know i joined late but i got that sinners spirit down in mah bones.

  5. #5
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    Neither of you are noteworthy. You each played in the 3rd incarnation of the kingdom for like one age each. We never tagged and the kingdom fell apart. Sorry. The same applies for all of the people we had for those 2 ages. As much as I love(d) some of you, you are not a part of Sinner's history in any meaningful way.

  6. #6
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    fair enough, just figured it said "notable members" and i couldnt think of anyone more notable than myself. =p

  7. #7
    Moderator for:
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    Palem's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Well, that's enough of that...

  8. #8
    Post Fiend javierNelson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    That was starting to get interesting! Wtf

  9. #9
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    What did you delete Palem =o

  10. #10
    Forum Fanatic
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    It's always nice to see the history of ghettos.

  11. #11
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I think NBK got hurt when I said Sinners has a racist mentality that can really ruin an irc channel and that the BiO merger with an influx of tons of Sinners players polluted the kingdom's irc channel and made BiO really suck.
    Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!

  12. #12
    Sir Postalot Pillz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Sinners NA
    Sinners maintained a very health IRC presence for the entire time I was there. Although changes occured in both leadership and core at various times, there was never an issue with the racism, hostility, and intolerance which we expressed towards each other and everybody else.

    I would say that only the last roster of Sinners (v1) suffered from any real issues in that regard, v2 only had a handful of people take issue with the atmosphere we encouraged, like Chuck. v3 was perhaps even more racist and hostile than the original Sinners and everybody seemed to revel in that type of environment.

    Additionally, BiO crowned with the majority of our remaining core. Magic, Folle, Di, and Skieve were all in BiO. The following age saw you join BiO as they left to help revive Sinners, and it took 2 ages for them to return to BiO. By the time they returned BiO was already worthless, and the kingdom finally collapsed when Baka merged it with Harmony HaJ. Thus I was say it was you you who started the decline of BiO, halfturd, and baka who finished it off.
    Last edited by Palem; 19-11-2013 at 17:15. Reason:

  13. #13
    Post Fiend
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Pillz you don't know what you're talking about. Harmony HAJ players were great people but everyone from sinners were worthless racists.

    Being in a kingdom for ages and seeing the IRC channel taken over by racism is just really disheartening.
    Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat!

  14. #14
    Post Fiend Handym@n's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Billah View Post
    I think NBK got hurt when I said Sinners has a racist mentality that can really ruin an irc channel and that the BiO merger with an influx of tons of Sinners players polluted the kingdom's irc channel and made BiO really suck.
    true and i support this statement..
    i Fix </3

  15. #15
    Forum Fanatic
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Billah View Post
    Pillz you don't know what you're talking about. Harmony HAJ players were great people but everyone from sinners were worthless racists.

    Being in a kingdom for ages and seeing the IRC channel taken over by racism is just really disheartening.
    Hey Racism is funny. Especially when it comes from keyboard warrior nerds over the internet. They have to get their frustration out as they use to have their dinner money stolen from them as children and if they said half the crap they said here on IRC they'd get beaten up / stabbed. I always use to say on another forum, please record yourself saying half the stuff you say on the internet to someone in real life and if you live to post it here.

    No Racists had the guts to do so which promoted my keyboard warrior theory.


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