
After about 2 years or so I have finally returned home... aha. Anyways my most recent alliance was NeXT. Im not so sure If they are still around and was interested to find that out. I have played in many top kds and my most recent being their largest warring kd (unfortunately I cant seem to remember the life of me any of the info I had stored). But I have been in the top 100 for all 3 spots, land, honor, and nw. I originally started playing the game in age 7 and have alot of experience and skill to offer. I would prefer to find my old m8s but Im open minded. Really would like to just get back into this game with an extremely orgazined and active kingdom as I fit those requirements. Anyhow for info feel free to contact me. Id really like to get setup and updated before the new age starts. I have no problem proving myself worthy to even the best =)