
Tea Partiers in Texas shouldn't make gun laws for the rest of us. Yet shockingly, that's what the hard Right wants to ram through Congress.

The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act (HR 822) would force states to recognize a "concealed carry" permit issued by any other state. That means that if one state's radical fringe decides anyone should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon, your state will be powerless to do anything about it.

Effectively undoing state gun laws is outrageous and unacceptable. That's why I need my closest allies to jump to action.

Earlier this week, I sent a letter to governors across the country warning them about this appalling overreach by the Tea Party gun lobby. Stand with me and demand that governors speak out against this unprecedented attack on a state's ability to decide its own gun laws.

Click here to stop this outrageous attack on common sense. The people ? not the radical gun lobby ? should decide their state's gun laws.

Currently, every state can make its own decisions about whether and how to grant concealed weapons permits. They often have different requirements ? age minimums, firearms training, or lack of a criminal record ? decided through the democratic process in that state.

This new bill would completely undo gun laws in your state. The federal government would effectively override the wishes of the state legislatures and Governors and remove their ability to set gun standards in their state.

That's wrong.

Moreover, states already have the ability to enter into reciprocity agreements with other states, if they so choose. Why should that choice be taken away from the people's representatives in each state?

Fundamentally, this new proposed law is unnecessary, short-sighted, and outright dangerous. That's why I need your help to mobilize Governors right away.

Click here to stop this outrageous attack on common sense. The people ? not the radical gun lobby ? should decide their state's gun laws.

The Tea Party gun lobby thinks nobody in Washington is willing to stand up to them. Together we can show them how wrong they are. Take action right this minute.

Thanks for all you do,