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Thread: Cradle of Civilisation - Whites and Blacks

  1. #46
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Untill now i've seen you post 1 link and it was a link to a biased organisation known for not being to honest.
    So coming from you that last sentence couldn't be more accurate/hilarious.
    Thats you not paying attention, I think ive at least posted 3 (2 to be sure of) :( So you are wrong?

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Thats you not paying attention, I think ive at least posted 3 (2 to be sure of) :( So you are wrong?
    Now i get it, you just lack the ability to read.
    Prove me where i claimed you posted 1 or i payed attention, i merely claimed i've only seen 1 which is actually accurate statement on my part.
    The mere fact you posted more doesn't make that statement wrong.

    So your post contains of 3 statements:
    1. Blaming me i'm not paying attention, which i never claimed i did.
    2. Claiming you posted 3, at least 2, you could have entered a link to prove it, just like you demand others to do.
    3. You claim i'm wrong, yet you can't prove i'm wrong cuz you have no way of proving what i've seen.

    Trying to disprove something i never claimed.
    Not using a link when you could have, despite demanding others to use links and being ferocious about that when it comes in handy.
    Making a claim which you can't prove.

    3 massive errors you yourself have blamed others to make in the last few hours.

    Maybe time you grab a dictionary and have a look at the word "hypocrisy" in there.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    Dude my point in this thread is that skin colour shouldn't matter. That is equality.

    You are just arguing for the sake of it.
    Your answer tells me equality needs to be taught properly. Equality is so much more than skin colour and even if you say skin colour doesn't matter, it does matter to most people in one way or another.
    ABS vs Rangers

  4. #49
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    as i had said before think its wrong and right not race. some people just hate dosnt matter why they just do. if it wasnt race could eazly be something else.

    take the romans for example. they murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved like no one had or has ever seen before. they couldnt have cared less about race they were nationalist. if you were roman you were roman didnt matter what your skin colour was.

    equality cant be teached maybe it can be learned by a person on their own.if you take someone and try and teach them that someone they dont like is equal they will just resent you and them even more.some people just like being arround there own kind. trying to force them to except others will only make them violent thus propetuating racism not fixing it.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agronaut View Post

    take the romans for example. they murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved like no one had or has ever seen before. they couldnt have cared less about race they were nationalist. if you were roman you were roman didnt matter what your skin colour was.
    Off topic here, but the Romans were pretty civilised compared to people before and after. ;)
    ABS vs Rangers

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agronaut View Post
    as i had said before think its wrong and right not race. some people just hate dosnt matter why they just do. if it wasnt race could eazly be something else.

    take the romans for example. they murdered, raped, pillaged, and enslaved like no one had or has ever seen before. they couldnt have cared less about race they were nationalist. if you were roman you were roman didnt matter what your skin colour was.

    equality cant be teached maybe it can be learned by a person on their own.if you take someone and try and teach them that someone they dont like is equal they will just resent you and them even more.some people just like being arround there own kind. trying to force them to except others will only make them violent thus propetuating racism not fixing it.
    Equality can be "taught" by putting people in an environment where they rub shoulders with a diversity of people and need to cooperate with them.

    Universities tend to take a lot of students from abroad and are a good place for the more educated to broaden their world perspective (short of travelling).

    Also, people living in big cities have an advantage there, because they'll often be put in contact with a greater diversity of individuals during school as well as when they enter the workforce.

    More often then not, the more xenophobic pieces of legislature are pushed by the regions who don't tend to intermingle with people from different origins as much.
    Last edited by Magn; 17-01-2012 at 14:45.

  7. #52
    Post Fiend Agronaut's Avatar
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    what ever grammar nazi :)

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agronaut View Post
    what ever grammar nazi :)
    That's a first. I have been called many things, but never that.

  9. #54
    Forum Addict scorpio86's Avatar
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    Has anybody else sat down and read this through from start to finish?

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpio86 View Post
    Has anybody else sat down and read this through from start to finish?
    I have read it all and I can say some things, there will not be equality while people claim they need special treatment for looking different.
    Cultural awareness days, every culture cept the main culture.
    More funding given to certain groups of people, based solely on the colour of their skin.
    Racial quotas in Universities. When a minority religion can have another religions beliefs banned in public then they have more rights.
    Our societies in the 'west' are the opposite of what people are claiming we are. We no longer have active discrimination of minorities, instead, if you are not a minority you
    do not have as many rights, we now live in a world of reverse discrimination, you are discriminated against because it's perceived that you are more capable because you
    are part of the main ethnic group in the country you live in.
    In Australia, the Aboriginals received government income support (Study benefits) that is more than everyone else, just because they call themselves Aboriginal.
    Other Australian : $402.7 p/f Aboriginal: $486.70. if another Australian studies for a Masters Degree, they receive no income support, if an Aboriginal does, they get $907 p/f($23,582p/a)

    That's reverse discrimination, nobody should receive more than another just because they belong to a different group of people.
    By giving minority groups more for being different, you are stating they cannot be equal without extra support, now that's racist.
    Simple fix, remove all advantages given to certain groups for being different. If they are equal, then they won't need the extra help.

  11. #56
    Mediator goodz's Avatar
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    What about those stupid 99% campaigns. That is just more majority mongered hate. Why shouldn't people who are wealthy be wealthy? You can be prejudice about more then just race. Many very wealthy people make huge contributions to charities. Better off having bill gates sending billions of dollars to africa then having 150 million middle class people earning an extra thousand dollars each year.

    Any time a large group of people is arguing anything where the principle notion is majority rules it is likely unjust. If it was a fair argument they would be arguing on merit rather then numbers.
    My life is better then yours.

  12. #57
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    This thread has so much fail. -_-

    The "we are the 99%" campaign has a lot to do with how the US political system only empowers a few people at the top, while the rest of the people are left with only the illusion of choice. I'd disagree that wealth is the only major factor, though the people who run things here are either independently wealthy or backed by those who do.

    I don't see any reason why Bill Gates should have more money that he can send to fund sterilization programs or whatever in Africa.

    For what it's worth, the middle class isn't a majority - too many people in the US want to believe that they're part of the middle class, but there's a sharp difference between the janitor cleaning your local school and receiving a substantial living wage, and a white-collar office worker making a little bit more in salary, and both would consider the other to be opposed to each other in class struggle 99 times out of 100 - probably the office worker would be more expressive of it, though the janitor has a hell of a lot more reason to hate the office worker. I've found most of those 99% people hate people like me more than they hate the rich, and most are quick to tear each other apart with little encouragement, while being too meek to do anything substantial to the 1% - probably because they can't, but w/e...

    Part of the reason why this thread bugs the hell out of me, because people are taking an almost non-issue - institutionalized reverse-racism against white men, and a very narrow form at that - and trying to make it the moral equivalent of institutionalized racism, which it isn't.

  13. #58
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    Scorpio86, it may not be PC to say, but differences between races are far beyond skin color. And Gallowmere is completely wrong about the racial characteristics being of little consequence. He needs to take a hard look around and the behaviors of races to see tha\ere is alot more going on with it on a genetic level. With alot more research you will undercover the mountains of scientific evidence proving this. My comments are not meant in a Hateful manner. Once you accept the truth you will open yourself up to greater knowledge and the understanding that Multiculturalism destroys multiple cultures and races resulting in a thoroughly mixed breed people which is far less interesting. No more Redheads, Blondes, blacks or Asians..... a wholly boring world cometh. His Imperial Majesty Achaeos is trying to save them all by encouraging them all to go to their homelands, and tend to their own racial and cultural solidarity(instead of killing each other in places where they are forced to live in close proximity). Otherwise they all will become mongrelized and civilization will collapse as it did before. If you ever have watched 'Ancient Aliens' you may have noticed that they present no evidence proving that Aliens ever came here and that it all supports the existence of an ancient worldwide civilization of a particular Human race. Which of course is the fact. But they mongrelized with other racial groups and it caused the collapse of their civilization, slam dunking them into the Stone-age and getting millions killed.

    As you have already observed, despite the egalitarian efforts of moronic government and media forces in the Western world, racial groups are still at each others throats. This does not mean that everyone on Earth is an Asshole. People are just acting like humans are supposed to. It's all Darwin. One pack of dogs trying to drive away another in order to ensure its own survival. Boiled down it is DNA doing what it does best, trying to preserve itself by out-competing differing code. This can never be stopped and it shouldn't. This makes all races stronger. But rather than killing each other we can use our powerful minds to come up with a solution that doesn't involve killing each other. H.I.M. Achaeos has many things in mind for the future. But in the meantime the only thing we can do in volutarily separate, go our separate ways as races and live the way we want to without the complication of mixed societies. We know that wont happen so just watch as this civilization continues to decline. It is over. Surely you can smell the stink of Death. Thomas Jefferson said of Blacks that there is nothing more certainly written in the book of fate than that they should be free but that it is equally certain that they cannot live under our government. He was right. Look what has happened. It is still not working. And the vice versa is true. Whites cannot live under Black governments. Look at South Africa. When the ANC took over, the slaughter of Whites began. A genocide if we have ever seen one. We can analyze why this has happened all day long but in the end we know there is only one way to stop it. All Whites must leave. Unfortunately getting them all off the continent of Africa is a huge and costly task. So a homeland must be established for them in Africa. H.I.M. Achaeos wants the South African government to give Northern Cape Province to the Achaeosic Empire and to allow all Whites in South Africa to go there and Blacks to leave. It is the most sparsely populated Province and the most inhospitable. So we believe this is a good solution that S.A. may accept and it will save lives. We also propose similar solutions in other places around the globe.

    Again there is no hateful intent meant by these comments. But attempts to end racial tensions around the world have failed miserably. So setting up racially homogenous Nations in some places is the solution for those places to end the killing. And we believe that these places will serve as an experiment for others to observe (those who don;t believe what I am saying and would probably label me a racist and discriminate against me based on that stereotyping of me.)

  14. #59
    Forum Fanatic khronosschoty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priest of H.I.M. Achaeos View Post
    Scorpio86, it may not be PC to say, but differences between races are far beyond skin color. And Gallowmere is completely wrong about the racial characteristics being of little consequence. He needs to take a hard look around and the behaviors of races to see tha\ere is alot more going on with it on a genetic level. With alot more research you will undercover the mountains of scientific evidence proving this. My comments are not meant in a Hateful manner. Once you accept the truth you will open yourself up to greater knowledge and the understanding that Multiculturalism destroys multiple cultures and races resulting in a thoroughly mixed breed people which is far less interesting. No more Redheads, Blondes, blacks or Asians..... a wholly boring world cometh. His Imperial Majesty Achaeos is trying to save them all by encouraging them all to go to their homelands, and tend to their own racial and cultural solidarity(instead of killing each other in places where they are forced to live in close proximity). Otherwise they all will become mongrelized and civilization will collapse as it did before. If you ever have watched 'Ancient Aliens' you may have noticed that they present no evidence proving that Aliens ever came here and that it all supports the existence of an ancient worldwide civilization of a particular Human race. Which of course is the fact. But they mongrelized with other racial groups and it caused the collapse of their civilization, slam dunking them into the Stone-age and getting millions killed.

    As you have already observed, despite the egalitarian efforts of moronic government and media forces in the Western world, racial groups are still at each others throats. This does not mean that everyone on Earth is an Asshole. People are just acting like humans are supposed to. It's all Darwin. One pack of dogs trying to drive away another in order to ensure its own survival. Boiled down it is DNA doing what it does best, trying to preserve itself by out-competing differing code. This can never be stopped and it shouldn't. This makes all races stronger. But rather than killing each other we can use our powerful minds to come up with a solution that doesn't involve killing each other. H.I.M. Achaeos has many things in mind for the future. But in the meantime the only thing we can do in volutarily separate, go our separate ways as races and live the way we want to without the complication of mixed societies. We know that wont happen so just watch as this civilization continues to decline. It is over. Surely you can smell the stink of Death. Thomas Jefferson said of Blacks that there is nothing more certainly written in the book of fate than that they should be free but that it is equally certain that they cannot live under our government. He was right. Look what has happened. It is still not working. And the vice versa is true. Whites cannot live under Black governments. Look at South Africa. When the ANC took over, the slaughter of Whites began. A genocide if we have ever seen one. We can analyze why this has happened all day long but in the end we know there is only one way to stop it. All Whites must leave. Unfortunately getting them all off the continent of Africa is a huge and costly task. So a homeland must be established for them in Africa. H.I.M. Achaeos wants the South African government to give Northern Cape Province to the Achaeosic Empire and to allow all Whites in South Africa to go there and Blacks to leave. It is the most sparsely populated Province and the most inhospitable. So we believe this is a good solution that S.A. may accept and it will save lives. We also propose similar solutions in other places around the globe.

    Again there is no hateful intent meant by these comments. But attempts to end racial tensions around the world have failed miserably. So setting up racially homogenous Nations in some places is the solution for those places to end the killing. And we believe that these places will serve as an experiment for others to observe (those who don;t believe what I am saying and would probably label me a racist and discriminate against me based on that stereotyping of me.)
    Interesting concept. I'm opened minded enough to look at solid facts that support this. I will point out that I think it would be sad to find no red heads -- I have red hair and someone just told me its disappearing.

  15. #60
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    LMFAO - dont beleive everything you hear khronoschoty

    Race is not just skin colour ofcourse. But the human species is intermixing and evolving. I beleive it is a good thing for society to become multicultural. I sincerely disagree with your thinking. Natures laws that you describe in your "dog pack" reference will always occur. The aim of this thread was to point out that we are all of the same family.

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