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Thread: So, who's a Republican here?

  1. #61
    Post Fiend
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    Landro, most of the people in this country do have health insurance. That's your first mistake. Secondly, no one here is refused medical treatment in an emergency situation. Third, does your country have 15-20million illegal people living there living off the welfare/medical system to which none of them contribute but drive up costs to others? I do not want the government determining who gets what care. Hell, they cant even run the postal service correctly and you think I want them to run my healthcare?

  2. #62
    I like to post Landro's Avatar
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    I thought many Republicans were devout Christians but they seem to have forgotten "the parable of the Good Samaritan" Luke (10:30-37) and "love your neighbor as yourself" Leviticus 19:18
    This is my province. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
    My province is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
    My province, without me, is useless. Without my province, I am useless.
    I must attack hard with my province. I must attack harder than my enemy who is trying to pk me. I must pk him before he pk's me. I will...

  3. #63
    Forum Fanatic freemehul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I've been watching the Republican presidential candidate elections and I've yet to see a candidate who is not the Christian version of the Ayatollah of Iran. Where some want to make gay's illegal, others want to make abortion illegal, yet some want to erase the Evolution Theory from School and others won't even pretend to go for a solution both parties can live with in the Middle East.

    Are there ANY normal candidates on the Republican side or are they all fighting to be seen as a Christian Ayatollah or High Priest?

    The US is becoming more and more a bastion of fanatism, much like Saudi Arabia and Iran. If you check, radical Islamists have all those same opinions as mentioned above. USA is becoming the Christian Iran. :-/ This is going in the wrong direction....
    I'd have to agree that the republican candidates this year are of dismal quality. Although I'm left even I could somewhat find myself in McCain, untill he got the wicked witch of the north and untill I discovered that he voted in favor of SOPA (in other words he's corrupt, probably needed to pay the bills of his plumber). Anyhow Newt Gingrinch also voted in favor of SOPA, so he's already been bought. Romney is vulture capitalist and I don't particularly like the idea of there being a first, second or third lady in the white house, if you know what I mean. I mean I consider myself left, but I'm not that left. Ron Paul, well is just too much of a nutjob with his screwy ideas about liberty (read anarchism). So that kind of leaves Santorum over. I like his stance on Iran, but although I seriousl dislike Iran, even I think he's being too harsh in his language. I really despise Santorum on social issues. I'm not gay, but I'm for gay rights. If he wasn't such anti-homo preaching ayatollah, I'd actually see him as the best candidate to take on Obama.
    Corruption is a serious impediment to civil liberties.

  4. #64
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    If they got rid of the bi-party system this wouldn't be an issue. ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  5. #65
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    lol good luck getting that changed

  6. #66
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azartyn View Post
    Palem, unfortunately you are mistaken...Obama has a 41% approval rating right now and its only going to get worse because of his economic policies and gas hitting $4-$5 a gallon. In 3 years he's added more to the national debt then Bush did fighting two wars in 8 years. Sorry you liberals, but facts are facts. The US is a center right country and once the nomination is decided the Republican will beat Obama.

    Palem, let me ask you this...Why is Obama so unbeatable? His unemployment is at 9.1%, actually like 15% if you take the REAL numbers (U6). The 8.3% is because somehow 2.5 million jobs just vanished from the work force. He's added $5 Trillion to the national debt in 3 years. Gas prices when he took office were 1.88/gal now they over $4. They just release a closer estimate of what the Healthcare bill will cost. Originally it was $950b, now the CBO sent out a report that it will cost $2.7 Trillion...Oh and in that we pay for 10 years and only get 6 years of coverage.

    The man was a junior senator(first term), has never held a real job/run a business in his life. How can you say he has experience? The only thing he has experience in is community organizing...aka socialism.
    And none of that was due to Bush right? As soon as he left office his affect on the deficit completely stopped? lol It's not like we're still fighting in 2 wars that his office started or anything right? Oh and please demonstrate to me the direct correlation and influence the President has on oil prices, I would like to be enlightened. It's not like the oil companies are making record profits every year, and it's not like there is unrest in the Middle East and political tension with oil producing countries.

    Tell me something, are you one of the people who was crying about the pollution of the BP spill, and now also want to complain about the moratorium on deep water drilling and our reliance on foreign oil?

    As for unemployment.... News flash: We're in a recession and have been for several years, including the end of Bush's term.
    Last edited by DHaran; 21-03-2012 at 18:34.
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  7. #67
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Palem View Post
    lol good luck getting that changed
    I can dream can't I?
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  8. #68
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flutterby View Post
    I can dream can't I?
    Ask yourself this: If our votes mattered, do you really think they'd let us do it?

    I'll vote when a system is in place where my opinion makes a difference. Not being a D or R means I literally have no say in who will be the next President. I can't even vote in the primaries, and the winners of the D/R primaries are the only possible options for President.
    Last edited by DHaran; 21-03-2012 at 18:39.
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  9. #69
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Do you think I vote? I don't see much of a point and the whole BS of if you don't vote, you don't have a say thing pisses me off.
    If any of us really had a say, do you think so many people would be *****ing?

    EDIT: Even if those who were not content would band together, it would be difficult as well because there is so much division between
    everybody, no one would be able to settle on how/what would be changed.
    Last edited by flutterby; 21-03-2012 at 18:40.
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  10. #70
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    I once asked a friend why she was registered as a Democrat. She said "because my parents are". That sums it all up right there. Religion and politics are different heads on the same monster. Nobody is able to think for themselves because they're indoctrinated with specific views of the world from birth. "This is how it's always been" is not the way to run a country, or to teach someone how to think rationally.
    S E C R E T S

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by flutterby View Post
    If they got rid of the bi-party system this wouldn't be an issue. ;)

    its how its been done for nearly 4-5 centuries now ;D well if you consider parliament/monarchy its been done longer than our country ;o

  12. #72
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kemia View Post
    its how its been done for nearly 4-5 centuries now ;D well if you consider parliament/monarchy its been done longer than our country ;o
    Being done out of habit, doesn't mean it's good.
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  13. #73
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    yeah that is true; however, to deny our curious nature as an animal and intelligent being hybrid combined, is like denying the fact that we are truly creatures of habit Flutterby :)

  14. #74
    News Correspondent flutterby's Avatar
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    We also say we record history so we don't make the same mistakes.
    Quote Originally Posted by VT2
    I should get a medal for all the common sense I highlight on a daily basis.

    <Bishop> I don't dislike Ezzerland
    <Bishop> We are just incompatible


    <~Palem> I read that as "snuffleupegas gropes Palem" twice lol


  15. #75
    Join Date
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    Ahh the bliss of ignorance, isn't it wonderful!?

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