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Thread: Saphire Dragon

  1. #1
    Forum Fanatic
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Saphire Dragon


    30% lower magic effectiveness
    30% lower thievery effectiveness

    10% lower income
    the loss of 20% of new draftees

    1) How is that % in magic and thievery calculated?
    2) Does that apply for defense and offense?
    3) Does it take 30% off there TPA/WPA?
    4) Instead of them killing 100 soldiers on an NS would it only kill 70?
    5) Which of the above does it do? or does it do all?

    Can someone just verify this dragon to me please.

  2. #2
    Post Demon
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    As far as I know, it means exactly what it says on the tin, so yes to 2 and 3, no to 4, and the same as other t/m mods to 1.

    Maybe I am wrong, though.

  3. #3
    Forum Addict
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    1,2, and 3: Saphire mods enemy kd's tpa and wpa by .7. Chance of success is determined by the ratio of your mod tpa/wpa to the targets multiplied by dificulty of the op. So yes, it works on both offense and defense.

    4: mod tpa determines chance of success. RAW tpa determines damage. Saphire effects mod tpa, so ti does not effect damage(except in so far as when yo uare able to land ops more frequently you do more damage.

    Also: all negative mods to wpa do something with success rate on casting. So if you drop a saphire, the target's casters will have higher failure rate just from auto fail!

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