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Thread: The Truth about the Right in America

  1. #46
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Yoda said it best; fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Religion is almost entirely based on fear.
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  2. #47
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    You named Hitler, whose Christianity was a motivation for his antisemitism, and Stalin, whose Atheism led to persecution of religious citizens, lol. You're proving our point of how religion is a negative influence on politics.
    What made Hitler tick is debatle there is several theories. Are you trying to argue that atheism is religion cause otherwise I dont quite see the point? Both of those had a huge agenda thou, Stalin cleaned out different thinkers ie people with different political opinions than him.

    I disagree, sexual orientation and specifically homosexuality, was not an issue historically. Where did that persons teachers "learn" that homosexuality is wrong?
    Who said it was in school? He claimed it was just in his culture.

    I can give you 3 religious examples, is this a numbers contest? I think you misunderstood my post though, i was trying to say that religions have a history of killing you if you didn't believe in them.
    You claimed it wasnt the case with politics but with religion I took that you consider people arent murdered for their politicals beliefs.

    Its tiresome but you dont seem to grasp it while I try to repeat. Religion in itself isnt evil its the people that uses it to promote their own agenda who are evil. Besides, given the large community of religious people those radicals are probably a very small amout of it all but its what people decide to focus on sadly. You two people are product of todays media brainwashing given that I can understand Bishops distaste for religion slightly.

    And regarding your comment about Americans: The invasion of Afghanistan by America was the result of religious extremists attacking American civilians.
    That justifies murdering civilians? Children and women and how many more innocent are dead? How many civilians died in Iraq? Hiroshima, Agent orange? Hiroshima? People arent simple nice it doesnt matter if there is religion involved or not.

    I am not religious at all but ive seen do a lot of good and if it makes people feel better why not let them. No need to really trash them for their beliefs.

    Yoda said it best; fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Religion is almost entirely based on fear.
    I just assume that you have very limited knowledge about religion and speak of ignorance. At best you can argue that they learn that they will end up in Hell if they dont behave
    Last edited by Korp; 06-03-2013 at 18:13.

  3. #48
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Its tiresome but you dont seem to grasp it while I try to repeat. Religion in itself isnt evil its the people that uses it to promote their own agenda who are evil. Besides, given the large community of religious people those radicals are probably a very small amout of it all but its what people decide to focus on sadly. You two people are product of todays media brainwashing given that I can understand Bishops distaste for religion slightly.

    I am not religious at all but ive seen do a lot of good and if it makes people feel better why not let them. No need to really trash them for their beliefs.

    I just assume that you have very limited knowledge about religion and speak of ignorance.
    Again, you mention media brainwashing, which makes no sense whatsoever. How exactly am I brainwashed by the media? lol

    As for the "good" you've seen, things done in the name of religion are generally for the purpose of spreading the "word" of that religion, it's a business model. And there is a difference between doing something because it's right, and doing it because you want to go to heaven.
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  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    Yoda said it best; fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Religion is almost entirely based on fear.
    Yoda is a religious figure.

  5. #50
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    I'd like Korp to go to a christian church charity event and ask the people how they feel about evolution, premarital sex, homosexuality, etc. Religion TAUGHT them that that god created man, gay people are sinners, and premarital sex is wrong, and whatever other nonsense they reply with. The fear of being wrong about heaven and hell makes them refuse to accept science, facts, and logic. They fight allowing teachers to teach their children about reality in school, because they only want them to learn fantasy on Sundays. But no you're right Korp, that's totally ok since they're giving some homeless people sandwiches.
    Last edited by DHaran; 06-03-2013 at 18:57.
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  6. #51
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Again, you mention media brainwashing, which makes no sense whatsoever. How exactly am I brainwashed by the media? lol
    You take in what media feeds you and use, the arguments you have is on the same level. I just been waiting for Islam is evil look at all the terrorist!! But I guess that wouldnt work here since you despise all religions.

    As for the "good" you've seen, things done in the name of religion are generally for the purpose of spreading the "word" of that religion, it's a business model. And there is a difference between doing something because it's right, and doing it because you want to go to heaven.
    Thats your opinion, somehow for you that turns into a fact which is surprising imo. Once again you let the your bias colour your arguments way too much.

  7. #52
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHaran View Post
    I'd like Korp to go to a christian church charity event and ask the people how they feel about evolution. Religion TAUGHT them that that god created man, Adam and Eve, and whatever other nonsense they reply with. The fear of being wrong about heaven and hell makes them refuse to accept science, facts, and logic. But no you're right Korp, that's totally ok since they're giving some homeless people sandwiches.
    Ill ask a friend whos a priest right now *asked*(waiting for reply) Who cares what they believe? Is that a problem for you in anyway? Arent people allowed to have their own beliefs? I have several friends that are religious and different devotion to their religion and they never tried to "convert me" In fact two of them are priests.

    They fight allowing teachers to teach their children about reality in school, because they only want them to learn fantasy on Sundays. But no you're right Korp, that's totally ok since they're giving some homeless people sandwiches.
    Its stupid to talk about all religious are the same if you think thats "okey" cause there is varying degrees of religious people, fantatics exists in all kind of forms not just religious. They simply dont act like a hive mind. Or if you think like that i shall consider you as someone that thinks its justifyable to murder women and children in the name of freedom. It would be at the same level of narrowmindness.

    The reply about Evolution from my priest friend.

    Hes buys that species adapts to new enviroments and that kind of evolution but the bigger picture where we came from amoebas he doesnt buy there you go.
    Last edited by Korp; 06-03-2013 at 19:12.

  8. #53
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    Ill ask a friend whos a priest right now *asked*(waiting for reply) Who cares what they believe? Is that a problem for you in anyway? Arent people allowed to have their own beliefs? I have several friends that are religious and different devotion to their religion and they never tried to "convert me" In fact two of them are priests.
    Yes, it absolutely is a problem for me, and it should be for you too. It's a problem for society. Why should I be ok with religion continuously causing division between people? Why should I be ok with more generations of children being lied to about history and science? Are you ok with the mother who refuses to give her child a simple antibiotic to save her life because her religion doesn't believe in medicine, only prayer? I'm supposed to be ok with letting people have beliefs that are wrong that negatively affect society as a whole? I think not.
    Last edited by DHaran; 06-03-2013 at 19:16.
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  9. #54
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Yes, it absolutely is a problem for me, and it should be for you too. It's a problem for society. Why should I be ok with religion continuously causing division between people?
    Politics does that to as well so thats not really a relevant point.

    Why should I be ok with more generations of children being lied to about history and science?
    Thats your opinion, there are a lot of twisted opinions out there. Why is religion so despicable?

    Are you ok with the mother who refuses to give her child a simple antibiotic to save her life because her religion doesn't believe in medicine, only prayer?
    Are you okey with your countrymen murdering civilians in the false pretense of "freedom"?

    I'm supposed to be ok with letting people have beliefs that are wrong that negatively affect society as a whole? I think not.
    You bring up extreme examples radicals are everywhere not religion. Its not a working argument taking the worst case scenario and apply it on every religious person, in fact its quite retarded. From what you are writing its quite obvious you dont know much about religion nor religious people, you have narrowminded view upon it heavly biased which isnt healthy anywhere. And its nice how you disregard parts of my posts and just pick the ones you feel you can answer? Besides can you provide any example besides the extreme ones that religion have a negative impact on society as whole? Facts please and not your biased opinions.
    Last edited by Korp; 06-03-2013 at 19:30.

  10. #55
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    People cause divisions between people. Also, you're causing massive division among people by profiling religions as an evil construct. You seem to believe that life is sacred. That's a pretty religious stance to take.

  11. #56
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Politics causes division for reasons based in reality. Taxes, laws, crime, elections, REAL THINGS.

    It's not an opinion. Religion is based on myths and fantasies. I prefer facts. Religion is despicable because it feeds on the stupidity of the average person, and encourages spreading that stupidity to future generations.

    Am I ok with the deaths of innocents? Of course not, that's a stupid question. Do I understand why it happens? Absolutely. Are you going to tell me next you think we shouldn't have fought the Nazis because innocents might get hurt?

    The worst case scenarios are war and death, as seen throughout history. The best case scenario is keeping yourself ignorant and leading a good life, but one that is based on lies.
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  12. #57
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    Religion is based off ideas, same as "reality" as you like to call it.

  13. #58
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Politics causes division for reasons based in reality. Taxes, laws, crime, elections, REAL THINGS.
    Murder, torture, massmurder, limiting freedom of speech, etc.

    Religion is despicable because it feeds on the stupidity of the average person, and encourages spreading that stupidity to future generations.
    Yet again you come with a biased opinion, you dont have anything to prove that statement with.

    Am I ok with the deaths of innocents? Of course not, that's a stupid question. Do I understand why it happens? Absolutely. Are you going to tell me next you think we shouldn't have fought the Nazis because innocents might get hurt?
    So, you understand why american soldiers takes pictures and descreating corpses? Interesting.. The only reason you even joined WW2 was due to Pearl Harbor if that never would have happend you wouldnt have cared at all cause you were all "safe". I dont think situations like war in Iraq which was for economical reasons for the US (sorry liberating the iraqi people) is compareable with WW2 .

    [quote] The worst case scenarios are war and death, as seen throughout history. The best case scenario is keeping yourself ignorant and leading a good life, but one that is based on lies.

    The worst case scenarios are war and death, as seen throughout history. The best case scenario is keeping yourself ignorant and leading a good life, but one that is based on lies.
    You must live a very sad and annoying life if you around getting irritated on people that never bothered you. War and death happends often enough without religion involved, just look at USA putting there nose in everyone else business.

    I dont understand your hate DHaran, were your parents religious radicals? Did you get harassed by a jew in school or what? They way you are acting now you're no better than a nazi or a racist. Ive had a lot of discussions about religion with all kind of people and not even the most "hardocre" atheist has behaved like you did.
    Last edited by Korp; 06-03-2013 at 20:04.

  14. #59
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Evil exists outside religion as well, that's obvious, and simultaneously irrelevant. Religion adds to the problems with politics, that was the point this started with.

    It's not a biased opinion, it's fact. Right now there are children being taught about Adam and Eve, a virgin pregnant woman, and a guy walking on water. Across the world, other children are being taught when they die they get a bunch of virgin women to party with, so they better get to praying and giving alms. I know these things to be false, so it's not a biased opinion, it's based in reality.

    Don't put words in my mouth, I said I understand why innocents die in wars, nothing else. If you want to continue making ridiculous leaps from my simple comments to something entirely unrelated and irrelevant to the topic, I'll have no problem ending this conversation with you since you can't help but troll.

    Just because I dislike something means my life is sad? lol I guess you must live a sad and annoying life walking around disliking Americans so much!

    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    I dont understand your hate DHaran, were your parents religious radicals? Did you get harassed by a jew in school or what? They way you are acting now you're no better than a nazi or a racist. Ive had a lot of discussions about religion with all kind of people and not even the most "hardocre" atheist has behaved like you did.
    No my parents are not religious radicals, though they are religious. How am I no better than a Nazi or a racist? I don't believe in religion, but I don't discriminate or hate anyone for it (unless they are people who commit heinous acts in the name of religion). I have religious friends and family, I don't hate them for their beliefs lol. I feel a bit bad for them, and I might dislike how they raise their children, but it's not hate. Just another retarded comment from you that doesn't even make sense.

    Also, I'm not Atheist, I'm Agnostic.
    Last edited by DHaran; 06-03-2013 at 20:34.
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  15. #60
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    It's not a biased opinion, it's fact. Right now there are children being taught about Adam and Eve, a virgin pregnant woman, and a guy walking on water. Across the world, other children are being taught when they die they get a bunch of virgin women to party with, so they better get to praying and giving alms. I know these things to be false, so it's not a biased opinion, it's based in reality.
    So provide facts for your statement then, I want to see statistical data on the stupidity of the average person if the person is religious or not.

    Don't put words in my mouth, I said I understand why innocents die in wars, nothing else. If you want to continue making ridiculous leaps from my simple comments to something entirely unrelated and irrelevant to the topic, I'll have no problem ending this conversation with you since you can't help but troll.
    So its okey for you make ridicoulus statements but nobody else? I wasnt trolling but you countless stupid statments in this discussion where you bring out extreme examples about religion then apply it on every religious person on the earth. Now when i make fun of you threaten to ban me? Thats patethic, dont voice your idiotic opinions if you cant stand any ridicule.

    Just because I dislike something means my life is sad? lol I guess you must live a sad and annoying life walking around disliking Americans so much!
    What you show is not dislike its hatred, you go around getting annoyed by people that never bothered you, you claim that they are evil without even knowing them. You hate them cause they dont share your belief. I on the other hand is only mocking you most cause you arguments been so depraved of any sense at all.

    (and I been pondering if you were the one that was trolling around DHaran cause i didnt think you as person filled with so much hate)

    No my parents are not religious radicals, though they are religious. How am I no better than a Nazi or a racist? I don't believe in religion, but I don't discriminate or hate anyone for it (unless they are people who commit heinous acts in the name of religion). I have religious friends and family, I don't hate them for their beliefs lol. I feel a bit bad for them, and I might dislike how they raise their children, but it's not hate. Just another retarded comment from you that doesn't even make sense.

    Also, I'm not Atheist, I'm Agnostic.
    If thats your honest opinion its fine but during this discussion I really havent got that impression. Like this part,

    Yes, it absolutely is a problem for me, and it should be for you too. It's a problem for society. Why should I be ok with religion continuously causing division between people? Why should I be ok with more generations of children being lied to about history and science? Are you ok with the mother who refuses to give her child a simple antibiotic to save her life because her religion doesn't believe in medicine, only prayer? I'm supposed to be ok with letting people have beliefs that are wrong that negatively affect society as a whole? I think not.
    Sounds very hate-ish. and speaking of retarded comments you havent still mange to explain how Lenins behaviour was religions fault.

    And the irony is complete, you dont believe in a God but you cant disregard the fact there might be one or allmighty divine entity :)
    Last edited by Korp; 06-03-2013 at 20:46.

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