As stated elsewhere I am a politician and an activist who is a Conservative in the Republican Party.

I will tell you the truth about Conservatives, Libertarians, and what the Right is about.

I know that many of you have heard us called, or have called us; Hicks, Hill Billies, Trailer Trash, Bigots, Racists, Wing Nuts, and many a more words designed to mock us or question our character.

First we believe in the American Dream as thus defindd: "The ability for any individual to have the ability to rise and do as they see fit". There are many variations upon the wording but the intent is that anyone should be able to start a business and suceed as much as they want to.

We do not see the rich as enemies because the rich, in general, are successful at providing people what they want. We also know what happens to the rich who make mistakes, they lose a lot of money. Take Oprah Winfrey for example, her OWN television station is failing and may soon lose the cable channel it is broadcast upon.

We do not wish poverty upon anyone, we just see a different means to help them escape it and we feel it is far superior.

We do not wish to force our religious views upon others for then they shall hate and despise us.

We are nothing like you have been taught and lead to believe.

Let me be clear, I like how an adopted child made a company that became a culture icon, one that currently vies as the most profitable business in the world. I like how his innovation made products that are in high demand, which made a new product trend and made him rich along the way. I do not despise Steve Jobs his success instead I revel in it since it has advanced us as a whole!

I am a State's Rights man because I believe States should find a workable setting for their people and if it does not work the people can show it either in voting or in leaving the State.

I believe Unions can still have a place but that a major reform must be done. Until the Unions accede and promote a reasonable change I to support Right to Work... Even though multiple employers have done bad things to me that they could not have gotten away with if I was in a Union.

We believe in the Free Market and the benefits it provides. We do not believe in subsidies or controlled markets. Under a true Conservative Government you would not have the Government buying cheese to keep the prices high and placing it in warehouses... as is currently happening.

A true Conservative does care for the environment but also will not support lies and false efforts. See surfacestations dot org for evidence global warming is false. We will not support a false ideology designed to make new rich people with a scam.

As the Weeks roll into Months and the Months into Years you will see all this and more covered.

I am out of many liberal activist's league, for I carry the light of truth, as well as experience as an activist and politician. If you wish to debate I will rejoice, if you wish to slander I will show you up, if you wish to troll I will throw a book at you, and if you lie I will bring the truth.

Game on!