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Thread: Skills I have acquired over a very long career

  1. #31
    Forum Addict John Snowstorm's Avatar
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    I'll McGovern you up, son. Wait, you know who McGovern was, right?

  2. #32
    Post Fiend
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    Quote Originally Posted by br3nt00 View Post
    can't wait for the english translation!
    My Swedeglish is a bit rusty, but from what I can gather, Anri was watching an old episode of Svenska Sesam in which the English Word of The Day was "Adapt". I think that was the episode in which Vargen was trying to trick Grisen into thinking that being flexible to the changes of the world around you involved blindly following the dictates of others.

    Seriously though, it's a funny read and you should make the effort. Some of the gems have already been pointed out, but I thought this one deserved a highlight:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    [...]A good player adapt to all situations[...]
    I think this is the main thesis of his post and I suppose it's a good general statement that can be used for just about anything. Of course, without specifics it's fairly vacuous. Fortunately, he later provides an example:

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    Some kds does this better then others, some masters it because they have good leaders.
    Getting the day to day player to adapt and follow its leaders blindly is vital for the success of a KD.

    The ones to master this art of play is absalom. Therefor they have been the strongest alliance for as long as people can remember. There is stars of utopia, they master this server up til the day when it becomes unpredictable. Now and then a KD like Elurins shows up and change some rules and make it harder to play cause they are less predictable then others, they refuse to cease fire others and it is a way to control the server around you and get an edge on others, force them to adapt to what you do instead of adapting after what they do and let yourself be controlled.
    It almost seems like he is complimenting Abs for their ability to adapt, but then he says they are great up until things change on them (ie, "Elurin shows up and change some rules"). So that's not really adapting.

    It also seems like maybe he is complimenting Elurin's Kingdom for their ability to adapt, but then there he is saying that they didn't adapt to the server around them, but instead forced others to adapt to them.

  3. #33
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    Anri, this post has very little educational value. If I wanted to start my own KD or am a ghetto monarch, you have not imparted any knowledge or insight from your 15 year utopian career. You have been exceedingly vague and failed your audience because, in essence, you have raised more questions than you answered. I expected something that could be posted on the wiki and I was disappointed. Obviously you have skills as a leader of Simians so I implore you to try harder and redo the post to provide actual information. I will post my questions on your post below, with the understanding that I may have been trolled since I likely put more effort into my response than you did in your original post. With that being said, I respect your abilities and believe there is value in experiences from long-time utopia players such as yourself or ASF, etc, so I appreciate the effort in you trying to project that knowledge to others as I believe a good guide would be able to improve the learning curve of the game.

    First off, you need to plan out your post a little better. The post does not flow from idea to idea. As your post is titled "skill I have acquired over a very long career" I would expect to find some things that you have learned. So far I can identify key words in adaptibility, diplomacy, propoganda, and loyalty. Are these the only skills you have learned? Are these the main skills that you use each age? How have you learned what you learned? How do you develop KD strategies and goals, and why are they important? How do you optomize your province, how do you decide what per acre of each unit is needed? How do you improve your KD's position in the world? What about war, how can you maximize your odds of winning while balancing getting wars? How do you deal with failure in your KD (was in a KD that almost disbanded after 3 straight lost wars)? Remember to always be writing for your target audience. Are you writing to everyone or just potential monarchs and KD leaders?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    You have a great adaptability where you can use the faery in many different roles depending on your opponent, and such an ability is impossible to show in calcs but invaluable ingame. ~Elurin

    I read this and i started thinking about how to give this back to the community because it was striking.

    I always been demostrating and talking about adaptability.
    A good player adapt to all situations. It all depends on the enviroment around us and how quick and effective the players can adapt to it. It is an evolution theory or chaos theory if you may beleive. When a player starts to grasp the facts he or she can move towards greatness. This is an everchanging world!
    What was the point of using Elurin's quote? As you say, you demonstrate adaptibility, explain why! You should be explaining how you plan the use of Faery and how you know when and how to adapt the prov's micro-strategy to benefit the KD's macro-strategy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    Does the offensive ops of a nub in a ghetto set off an attack from Simians or any other KD? The offensive ops represents a small change in the initial condition of the server, which causes a chain of events that could lead to large scale server events. Had the nub not done his offensive ops, the trajectory of the server might have been vastly different.
    A consequence of sensitivity to predictable. Which is generally predictable only about a week ahead in this game.
    You provide an extremely vague example that people cannot relate to. Get more specific! There must be a better example in your career. For instance, we were looking to war and Stoners hit us just OOW and I suicided hoping on them with a learn hoping they would retal back and give us button. They double retalled and gave us button and we massacred them. So a small effort by individual provinces caused a huge impact for the whole KD, and even the server -- though I don't have an example of that. Maybe stealing from top KDs causing them to raze wave which opens them up to get waved themselves? I think that is the point you are trying to make but you need more concrete analogy.
    But overall, what is your point about unpredictability? Does it make your KD better or worse? How does it effect your KD goals and strategy? Are there ways to stabilize your image or make yourself unpredictable if your image is currently affecting your KD's gameplay.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    People been trying for ages by entering NAPs and cease fires to predict the future for a more longterm time so they can adapt and take steps to counter the effects of the everchanging server as we know it.

    Some kds does this better then others, some masters it because they have good leaders.
    Getting the day to day player to adapt and follow its leaders blindly is vital for the success of a KD.

    The ones to master this art of play is absalom. Therefor they have been the strongest alliance for as long as people can remember. There is stars of utopia, they master this server up til the day when it becomes unpredictable. Now and then a KD like Elurins shows up and change some rules and make it harder to play cause they are less predictable then others, they refuse to cease fire others and it is a way to control the server around you and get an edge on others, force them to adapt to what you do instead of adapting after what they do and let yourself be controlled.
    What are the benefits and detriments to NAPs and CFs? Is this all that diplomacy includes? When should you seek a CF and when should you keep your opponent on edge? How can you take advantage of situations using diplomacy, strategy, and KD stances? How do you stop getting fed on as a KD? How do you choose a KD to act on? How do you predict a KD's reaction to your action?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    This is one of the more serious post i will ever make on this forum.

    As a solo player i can cause more damage in an age compared to what a ghetto could do single handed. Because i know what the longterm effects are. If i ever retire i just need 2-3 players with me and every top KD would want to CF us, i know how to flap my wings and cause a tornado effect in the top of the server or any KD if you may.

    To lead a KD into greatness your best weapon will always be propaganda, diplomacy and a charachter that is active and people is willing to follow. If this leader makes his people loyal, get them to listen and in a way manipulate their minds with the propaganda then they can truly be unstopable. But only if the leader learns the way of how to flap his wings and adapt to all situations.
    What is propoganda, diplomacy, and character and how can an individual player or KD use them to their advantage? How have people failed to use these tools in the past?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    You can see many KDs uprising right now. I am not sure they adapted to the game very well, it happen to be so that the game adapted after them, they got a bit lucky. Relative nw range never been better vs the top KDs, they can strike where it hurts without a high risk. Some is more aware of it then others, they are simply better leaders and knows more what they are doing. I am glad not more people understand this game cause that way my KD is on top of the food chain til they learn. The knowledge is right infront of them. Players never had an issue teaching others.
    The problem is always that new players tend to think they know best. We have people like myself that played this game for like 15 years. I dont really accept being questioned and argue with nubs what is best strat or not. Get with the flow, feel the world around you, ADAPT to the situations and learn what strat is best for each and every situation you end up in. There is no super strats, there are no raw numbers that cant be countered. The game is what you make it and how you choose to make the world around you.
    What are some main situations a province or kingdom may find themselves in? And, what are the options and best strategy for negotating these issues? You mention relative nw range, how can a KD use this to their advantage, and what situations would be poor to try and utilize this strategy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    When you tell someone to go **** himself you flap your wings, dont ever forget that more then often a pen and paper has more might then a sword. You can make things happen in this server just be saying the first word, not cast the first stone.
    Give me juxtaposed examples of someone doing bad diplomacy that got their KD in trouble and someone who avoided conflict by using diplomacy well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    I am not sure where to post this. I want to get this out of my chest only and it will be one of the most serious post you will ever see me make. The game is decaying and skills are hard to come by.
    Take this as an attempt from me to give any player some wisdome. If just one player learns anything by it i made it.
    Admirable effort, but without actual insight and knowledge this post will be relegated to the forum archives.

  4. #34
    Member reapa's Avatar
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    What a load of ****

    Your post seems like a loud cry for attention. Noone cares because its a game. Noone cares about how fake and unpredictable you are because you enjoy lying. Noone cares that you can flex your e muscles in this game. This game does not equate to reality, sorry. It was programmed by one person, and that is Mehul. You happen to be his loyal minion for 15 years. Mindlessly and aimlessly going about your affairs like its work. Skills you have acquired really should be reworded to time you have wasted. By the way, your C- essay sounds like it was directly translated from google translate, I'm guessing from traditional Chinese? e.g"trajectory of the server" "there is stars of utopia"
    lol what is that **** dude? you are very unpredictable indeed. i told you i would handle my own affairs. but hey if that's how you derive pleasure then its your own loss my friend. to everyone else, i never target shared as i backed off at the last moment. but i told him i got hit by hall of heroes and it might have been a random hit. also, a post was already made about me in strategy talk which is why even i stooped to such low levels.
    i'm out now and for good reason. don't even try to sound smart when responding yea? you will only belittle yourself further

  5. #35
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Thanks Coboss, that was exactly what i was looking for. I will when i have a bit more time answer all of those questions and get to work. I dont really care if anyone reads it or not. I will do it anyway.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  6. #36
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    I think people are being unnecessarily overreacting to what Anri is saying - and this I don't say cause I believe my kd was put in a favourable light. I didn't read all the follow up posts in here, too much text, but the tone is silly. Take it for what it is, Anri's thoughts on game, if you don't agree with it provide concrete arguments or ignore it imo.

    I agree with the spirit of the posts on some levels. Adaptability and believing in your ability to change your surroundings is vital to being high performing in many things, including utopia. The main lessons learnt here is probably to be less intimidated and "try your wings" if you're leading a semi good kd. It's not hard, we do ok and I don't spend many hours a day on uto. It's about building a good team and joining people together in an attitude - and accept ups and downs in both performance and morale.

    Some stuff in the post I definitely disagree with, such as everyone has to do like the leader says. One of our strengths is that people tell me I'm stupid at times and at least I'd like to believe I change my mind - but then they still accept a direction when requested (and point and laugh at me after if proved wrong). Any team, and it's leader, gets stronger by being open to feedback and trusting in other's desire to take part and contribute.

  7. #37
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reapa View Post
    Your post seems like a loud cry for attention. Noone cares because its a game. Noone cares about how fake and unpredictable you are because you enjoy lying. Noone cares that you can flex your e muscles in this game. This game does not equate to reality, sorry. It was programmed by one person, and that is Mehul. You happen to be his loyal minion for 15 years. Mindlessly and aimlessly going about your affairs like its work. Skills you have acquired really should be reworded to time you have wasted. By the way, your C- essay sounds like it was directly translated from google translate, I'm guessing from traditional Chinese? e.g"trajectory of the server" "there is stars of utopia"
    lol what is that **** dude? you are very unpredictable indeed. i told you i would handle my own affairs. but hey if that's how you derive pleasure then its your own loss my friend. to everyone else, i never target shared as i backed off at the last moment. but i told him i got hit by hall of heroes and it might have been a random hit. also, a post was already made about me in strategy talk which is why even i stooped to such low levels.
    i'm out now and for good reason. don't even try to sound smart when responding yea? you will only belittle yourself further
    I reply cause you said i will belittle myself if i do. Otherwise i would not care about you. If you wanted to learn this game you would not be 100% def, no tpa, no wpa and razed down by Simians cause your own KD ask us for help. Learn the game instead of being a bitter and sad nub.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  8. #38
    Director of Age Changes
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    Yeah, great skills in being a forum jest ;)
    But I digress. Utopia is a shadow of it's former self. Who gives a **** anymore?
    Game is not evolving. Wake up.
    Last edited by Avenger; 05-07-2012 at 20:00.
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  9. #39
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    The comments i made about SillyGhettoCats was compliments, not any criticism. I do take in feedback and contribution from everyone in the KD aswell. The every day player does not speak as much. More questions of why we do things. The council however is a way different thing. If people work hard they are welcome to the council for thier input. In our channel however there is not much room for any input in war. Its do what the council says or gtfo. I dont tolerate anarchy. :)




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  10. #40
    Member reapa's Avatar
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    Last edited by DHaran; 11-07-2012 at 13:09.

  11. #41
    Member reapa's Avatar
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    Last edited by DHaran; 11-07-2012 at 13:10.

  12. #42
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    Cool it.

  13. #43
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    agree. I am the worst leader ever. Its why simians is #1 again and farmed out your kd x2 last age. I suggest you make next posts in swedish and greek. lol dissing me for language skills in a web game for all. The game utopia is about meeting people from other countries and communicate with them over the game. feel sad for you. You dont know me at all and i dont know you. Get out of my way newbie.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  14. #44
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    You are all getting on my nerves, reporting every single post over silly childish crap. Grow up, all of you. Thread closed.
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  15. #45
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    I'm going to reopen this so Anri can complete his thoughts and reply to the posts others made. The leash is short, anyone who starts in on name calling or insults will get an instant ban, no warnings.
    Last edited by DHaran; 11-07-2012 at 14:42.
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