Land dropping is not only lame, its a disturbance to the natural balance. If the top is self sanitizing with kd's growing 'out of their league' being hit down, all is good. If a kd drops down to bash ghettos, you get a game that is not very newbie friendly and will get problems with new recruits losing interest quickly. So its not only a lame way to cheat your way into a higher ranking then you deserve, its also bad for regrowth of player base.
This used to be handled by the community back in the day, by razing the filthy droppers to their deaths...but the top is too weak and the land droppers too many now days.
I can proudly say that Evil Dragons will help contributing to reinstating this system. In fact, we have already this age razekilled a dropper and we are no strangers to doing it again. Should such a project be underway, hit us up and we will assist if we have the time (be sure to provide SN of the drop).

To sum things up, this post is in favour of Zauper.