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[ IQUOTE=Aos;15235384]U sure Spheric was'nt in sanc for any of there crowns? my memory sucks so i don't remeber what ages he played in sanc.[/QUOTE]
Why ain't you on that list I would have voted for you ....... Even before voting for sas(the original ....... Where the **** where Queensland last night ????) or his lovely wife.
Holly **** you actually "won" something after leaving my little cesspool and went to the dark side ..... Well done you :) wonder how many other tadpoles from my ghetto climbed to your dizzy heights ........ And why would you ever expected anything from me ? You remind me allot of zedd and in some ways khan as well .....
He got pity crowns :P
Without any doubt or question zen but he aint even on the list..
But from the list I would say Malm even though I always have a better prov than him..
The others I havent played with
Last edited by Malogar; 07-06-2013 at 06:30.
R.I.P. DN.
R.I.P. Secrets
R.I.P. Ghetto Cats.
I'm seeing a disheartening trend here. O_o
This list is so far from complete its not funny. Out of the thousands of people that havent crowned we get 10 choices?
- = Paintrain = -
Don't hate the player, hate the game (10 options max)
According to Chat GPT, the most notable non crown winner is....
There have been many notable Utopia players who have achieved great success in the game but have not won a crown, which is the ultimate goal for many players. However, one of the most famous players who did not win a crown is likely Miraj, also known as Mirajj or Mirajj2. Miraj was an influential Utopia player who was known for his strategic thinking and tactical abilities. He was a key member of several dominant alliances over the years and was involved in many of the game's most important battles. Despite his many accomplishments, Miraj never won a crown, which is a testament to the fact that Utopia is a game that requires a combination of skill, strategy, and luck to achieve success.
And the best overall player according to Chat GPT: Korp
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