I m confused how gangbang protection protects. This a little bit of a rant and I m sure I haven't adapted to the way players work the game. I just don't understand how there is any protection if I can lose 1/3 of my land from 6 hits in a 15 hour period. I can't keep up with that kind of damage. I had about 700 land with 75 more coming in I go off to work and when I make it back to the pc I m down to 530 land, I op most of the prov that hit me and they are all about 80% off, 40k att, 90 and below BE. THIS GAME lets players like that prolicatate? That should be a house of cards. Is this how the game here is played? when ever I get a few steps ahead I m ganna get pulled down by some hacks? Any insight would be appreciated. This is my first age here and I ll play it through for general principle. But I m wonder how much time I should put into this. Thanks for your feed back