View Poll Results: Is EOWCF consider war

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Thread: EOWCF is war or not?

  1. #151
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy| View Post
    as for you saying earlier that EoW cf is now a new form of FW - lol you're clutching thing air there. The game is designed to have an EoW cf period. FW is banned and is against the game rules. If EoW cf period was against game rules it would not exist.
    Actually it is a very accurate comparison fuzzy, fw's were legal back then, or at least not acted upon(which is the same as saying it's allowed) and very often used for the exact same purpose as eowcf is today.

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitanReborn View Post
    punishment has to be more severe than the crime....otherwise hows it a deterrant?
    will court punish the thief to death if he/she only stole something else but didn't kill anyone?
    I'm trying to be neutral here, anyway this is just a game and you may over react if you want though. :)

  3. #153
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    Be careful what you stole , some of utopian community is quite cruel here and he/she will kill you for that. This is what I noticed so far .

  4. #154
    Post Demon
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    Of course it isn't war. People make all sorts of spurious claims as to what counts as "fake war" or not, but claiming cease-fire with no attacks is still war...jeez...the buses really don't go where some of you guys live.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by worldwar1 View Post
    will court punish the thief to death if he/she only stole something else but didn't kill anyone?
    I'm trying to be neutral here, anyway this is just a game and you may over react if you want though. :)
    no idea why anyone ties these analagies to the game. Stealin in real life and killing someone in real life, both massively different.
    However steal in real like, risk prison for a few years (hmm one action or se tof actions over 2 months say, could end in multiple years of your life going missing or being wasted. Unless u stole so much that u lived like a king when u got out of prison it would;t e more linient than the crime. You could go oldschool and have your hand chopped off.

    Now then i can get behind this analagy, your kingdom steals (when deem inappropriate by a majority) so you lose a hand, or yor province is reset beacause of prison for 3 utopian months

  6. #156
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    analagies are like statistics, 75% don;t make sense, 46% are taken into the wrong context, and 99% are made up to support an argument.

    Statistics are fun!
    analagies less so.....not even amusing :P

  7. #157
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    I was wondering why this has become a hot topic and the only reason I could come up with is because as more and more of the players / leaders who play this game with decent standards / morale's slowly leave the game thus leaving more and more players / leaders who prefer to use lame tactics.

    Even when we had kingdoms like SL and Puffy playing this was never an issue because it happened so rarely.

    I would try and link it to the old BF server but alas my memory isn't that good :(

    I agree with everyone that says its not against game rules to hit into EoW cf but come on its still lame.
    Last edited by fuzzy|; 25-08-2013 at 10:38.
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  8. #158
    Dear Friend Korp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy| View Post
    clearly you do to seeing how you give your opinion on nearly everything that gets posted on this forum.

    Korp EoW cf hitting has never been a big issue, you now why? because its not been something that people deploy as a strat. I still don't get why we're debating it, I agree with everyone its not against game rules but it is lame to do it over and over and ignoring people asking you to stop.

    as for you saying earlier that EoW cf is now a new form of FW - lol you're clutching thing air there. The game is designed to have an EoW cf period. FW is banned and is against the game rules. If EoW cf period was against game rules it would not exist.

    hmm i'd love to get thoughts on this topic from people like z00t, elurin, cheese, mod, proteus, mansoor, cgg, delm etc
    So, you say something then when confronted you cant provide enough proof of your claims.

    It has not been known to be a big issues since nobody came the forums upset about getting hit into eowcf is a more likely scenario.

    It provides the exact the same function and your logic falters when you claim that if eowcf was against the rules it would not exist. They made a legal way of fw instead which would be eowcf like the way they didnt get rid of trading either they made it legal.

  9. #159
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Korp View Post
    So, you say something then when confronted you cant provide enough proof of your claims.
    Not at all. I just can't be bothered to argue with you.

    but then to answer you - no I do not have time to sit here monitory 24/7. I do however talk and listen to people.

    you play the game the way you want to play it and I play the game the way I want to play it - we will argue on many things but hey that's the way of life and life is to short to spend it arguing with someone all day.

    if you want to utilize / condone lame tactics (albeit not against game rules) then that's up to you.
    Last edited by fuzzy|; 25-08-2013 at 10:50.
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  10. #160
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    KD C, Things become complicated, when the time you decided to PK.

    Ppl farm you, may be they just disagree with your decision perhaps.

    I read almost every single topic created. Seem everyone disagree with atk during EOWCF.

    However, nobody say you are right, when you PK.

    You lose half of your resources, or even less when ppl plunder. How long you need to get it back. Your resources is generating every single hour.

    What about PK, ppl need to wait for another 72 hour. Then still need several days to rebuild.
    Or, ppl just dont want to play utopia anymore.

    Utopia player are getting lesser and lesser.

    When a KD larger than you and hit you. You said they bully & farm you.
    1 question : Every single atk that KD C make are always targeted the KD range similar to your size ?
    your KD never bully those small KD even less than 20 players ?

  11. #161
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    not sure why u feel the need to post the exact saem thing in 2 places, spam much?

    You know i was bullied viscously as a child, i know what being bullied feels like and no i won;t do it. Talk is always the first step, and as long as u don;t try and take something unreasonable from me, then i will always be a pleasant person to deal with.

    I implore any kingdoms outside of this affair to come forward and show me i'm wrong if thats the case. I don't speak for my kingdom mates (outside of political matters on behalf of the kd) as like most utopians...they can be arrogant and over the top about things

  12. #162
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    Is it war? No.

    Is it just as lame to make EoWCF hits as OOW hits? Yes.

    You clearly can't say it's exactly the same as a war, since it quite clearly isn't as you no longer have OPs/hits/etc. from the KD you were warring. However you still have OOW protection and there is nothing to indicate that the KD is no longer at war unless you've been tracking them or are doing intel gathering on them.

    The period is added to let KDs recover from wars faster, it's not added to be a total protection from and outside actions however neither are the standard war protections that KDs get while in war.

    If a KD can take free land/resources from outside EoWCF then why should they not do it while a KD is in war? Why should a prov at say 6k acres with 5-10 DPA not be farmed out by OOW hits? Because people know that if they did that then they'd be GBed to make it not profitable so it's both a sense of "honour" and a sense of the players policing themselves, game mechanics are no different at all between the two so logically you can assume the devs want to limit/allow both OOW & EoWCF interactions to the same degree.

    People who say it's fine to hit/op into EoWCFs are just lazy/opportunistic asshats who know that in general there's often easy to find resources that they want to justify as being free to take for themselves.

  13. #163
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowzation View Post
    You lose half of your resources, or even less when ppl plunder. How long you need to get it back. Your resources is generating every single hour.

    What about PK, ppl need to wait for another 72 hour. Then still need several days to rebuild.
    Or, ppl just dont want to play utopia anymore.
    Well, if they repeatedly interfere with your eowcf and you tell them to stop eventually they're gonna be pissed and do something to make you regret your actions, it's basic human psychology.
    PK for an isolated event is obviously not proportional but if it happens time and time again, you try to resolve it and you don't even reply. Then I'd say it's completely justified, they had their chance to end it on better terms, they didn't take it and now that ship has sailed, a sterner response is neccessary.

  14. #164
    Needs to get out more
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    First off change your name from Saints to Hate Fuel. You are wrong in every way and shouldn't use the word justice. You should ask for mercy, apologize and generate enough gold to repay the kingdom that PKed two of your provinces. And you know why? Because they took the time we couldn't.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bishop View Post
    Correct me then, instead of being a dick about it.
    love that thick mahogany back with no belly carve or anything...pure thick wood ! The thing ROCK is made of !
    Weed bowls

  15. #165
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by StratOcastle View Post
    First off change your name from Saints to Hate Fuel. You are wrong in every way and shouldn't use the word justice. You should ask for mercy, apologize and generate enough gold to repay the kingdom that PKed two of your provinces. And you know why? Because they took the time we couldn't.
    First off, we DID NOT ask for justice. We asked to do it during our EoWCF. I don't get it why people are not understanding it after 5 days of posting. Ask for mercy? Not required, welcome to plunder us back. Repaying after killing 2 of my provinces? Meh.

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