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Thread: Suggestion, the agreed war button +

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Suggestion, the agreed war button +

    The problem: you agree with another kingdom to have a nice battle, the result, you give that kingdom the button, and they then turn on fortified mode and start casting meteor showers and other nasty things before actually starting a war, for several real time days. This happens to us on 50% of all wars. And i personally think its a gamespoiler.

    As a result of such a not many kingdoms want to give the other kingdom the button creating quite a few annoying situations.

    So i would suggest:

    A option to have a agreed war button, both kingdom leaders press the button and at a certain point war starts and both kingdoms go wild, ill leave the exact details of how/when it starts open. When 1 of the kingdom leaders has pressed the button, he can cancel it if he wants to, when both did, the war is agreed on and starts at a certain point.

    The normal war-start rules should off course stay in so when 1 off the kingdoms is looking for a advantage by acting prematurely the other kingdom can start the war like normal.

  2. #2
    Forum Addict crease's Avatar
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    This will result in fewer wars. Then those 50% of kds that do this currently will just say no since you have advantage and cant catch up in 24hours of hostile.

    Perhaps you should find a better solution than complaining, wave a ghetto and sit in ops? Raze their attackers to 50 acres with no acres incoming, theyll soon press the button before they have to reset their kd. An attacker on 50 acres is the same as a prov in protection, except it wont be war ready in 3 days, itll still be 50 acres.
    Last edited by crease; 13-11-2013 at 14:33.
    - zilyana -
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  3. #3
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    You might be surprised to find out a lot of kingdoms do actually like to fight a fair war. This EXTRA option would help a lot there.

    Not replying on the rather weird talk. Ill leave it to some moderator to install or not and run out of this forum.
    Last edited by stijnelijn; 13-11-2013 at 16:29.

  4. #4
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    What if this is their war strat ?
    Just because it doesnt make yours work great doesnt mean it should be changed.Its a risk you take in your agreement that you didnt set a date to start.


    Fighting the world back Proudly since Age 35


  5. #5
    Post Fiend likethesilver's Avatar
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    I like the agreed war button. Too many kd's agree to war and pussy out once things start up
    RIP: Band of Brothers going out with a crown age 59!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by crease View Post
    Perhaps you should find a better solution than complaining
    Perhaps you could find a more constructive way to voice disapproval than being rude? All he did was offer a hypothetical (one which is all too real for many of us) and a suggested solution. More eloquently than your attempt at shooting him down, I may add.

    I like the idea, I do agree with Crease in that it doesn't really help things all that much, if both kds agree to a time in the beginning then this button would be rendered useless. But having the option is something that certainly appeals, to me at least.
    Anything that is a move toward ending the horrible button games that were introduced when the declaration system changed is a step in the right direction imo.

  7. #7
    Forum Addict crease's Avatar
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    There was no rudeness intended. The very best solution is to not wave a kd that would benefit from long hostile, thus discourage those kds from existing in the first place. Thats my 2 cents.
    - zilyana -
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  8. #8
    Forum Fanatic Elldallan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stijnelijn View Post
    The problem: you agree with another kingdom to have a nice battle, the result, you give that kingdom the button, and they then turn on fortified mode and start casting meteor showers and other nasty things before actually starting a war, for several real time days. This happens to us on 50% of all wars. And i personally think its a gamespoiler.
    Solution: DON'T give the other kingdom the button for long periods, make it hostile for just a few hour before daychange reduces meter again, yes they will still have the ability to cast spells but they can't declare whenever they feel like it. Also, run som TM's/ or A/M's and rogues so you can benefit from an extended hostile as well, they also work great in actual wars.

    Quote Originally Posted by stijnelijn View Post
    As a result of such a not many kingdoms want to give the other kingdom the button creating quite a few annoying situations.
    Yes, careless buttongiving is stupid, don't do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by stijnelijn View Post
    So i would suggest:

    A option to have a agreed war button, both kingdom leaders press the button and at a certain point war starts and both kingdoms go wild, ill leave the exact details of how/when it starts open. When 1 of the kingdom leaders has pressed the button, he can cancel it if he wants to, when both did, the war is agreed on and starts at a certain point.

    The normal war-start rules should off course stay in so when 1 off the kingdoms is looking for a advantage by acting prematurely the other kingdom can start the war like normal.
    I wouldn't mind agree to war button but I think either kingdom should be able to back out as long as war hasn't been declared obviously. Wars doesn't happen in a vacuum, there might be circumstances that makes you want to back out.

    The best way to implement this is that monarch 1 suggests a time for war to happen, and then press send, opposing monarch can either amend the suggestion and send it back or accept it and war will commence at the agreed time assuming that a button exists(the normal limits should still apply). The agreed upon time should also be announced in the news of both kingdoms and the agreed upon time should have to be at least 12-18 hours into the future from the point when the war is agreed on.

    If an agreed war is canceled by either monarch it should reset meter and impose a mandatory 48h cf.

    Quote Originally Posted by crease View Post
    This will result in fewer wars. Then those 50% of kds that do this currently will just say no since you have advantage and cant catch up in 24hours of hostile.

    Perhaps you should find a better solution than complaining, wave a ghetto and sit in ops? Raze their attackers to 50 acres with no acres incoming, theyll soon press the button before they have to reset their kd. An attacker on 50 acres is the same as a prov in protection, except it wont be war ready in 3 days, itll still be 50 acres.
    Not neccessarily, you would still be able to start a war in the normal fashion. Personally it's not something I think would hurt the game and it might help a few people.

    Quote Originally Posted by likethesilver View Post
    I like the agreed war button. Too many kd's agree to war and pussy out once things start up
    Well, maybe go after kingdoms that are less likely to run, aka the one's on equal or better footing than you.(not saying this is neccessarily the case but if somebody backs out of a war it's usually because they feel they are at a disadvantage)
    Last edited by Elldallan; 19-11-2013 at 14:00.
    Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day, Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  9. #9
    Forum Addict crease's Avatar
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    honestly... the same thing would as does now, turtley provs will just sit in war with troops home since they dont wanna send out first(as opposed to staring contest in hostile), it wouldnt reduce the timeline on hostile start to war end, may even increase it, since you can more effectively remove a province oow should an enemy be stubborn.

    Then there would be kds that refuse to war without this agreement. You are truly limiting options with this suggestion, not providing extra.
    - zilyana -
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  10. #10
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    I can imagine that a number kingdoms would indeed refuse to war without this button, simply because they dislike the current war-start system quite a bit.

    This option would make such kingdoms more agreeable to war, its simply nonsense to suggest this would limit their options or lower the amount of wars.

    Thanks to the other people for a more constructive input. Ill just leave it to the high ups to see if they see any value in it in some way.

  11. #11
    Forum Addict Spahrep's Avatar
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    Still keep the existing war start mechanics, just throw this into the mix also.
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    -- The opinions/rants do not represent my kingdom or its affiliates, only me, and i have a lot of them.

  12. #12
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    You could throw it in. Although I am sure that all old school kds will hate it. Back in the days you would wave for war, and see whether they took it. Before a CF even existed. NOwadays you get messages asking for war.. you agree, fund a dragon and they tell you that they actually dont want to war.

    you know what that leads to? frustrated kd members, we've sent 3 dragons+ extra htis for this reason. Offer a war and then start it, dont chicken out.

    The hostile part is one of the cooler parts of the game, it makes it more like chess, instead of blindly hitting. However I can understand the need for war buttons. what would be even cooler is to be able to simply declare war on another kd which is in your 5% range and normal/agressive stance for example. (for all I care you do introduce a 12h delay to accept cf, but declaring would mean that after 12h you are automatically in war with that kd)

    Get rid of all the silly politics of ingame asking for war.. and then either getting screwed over by 10 kds, get no war or being able to only get a war which you lose because kds have no balls anymore nowadays. (80% of the war offers where made by kds with 30% more land and NW this age)

  13. #13
    I like to post
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    Force another kingdom to war when they don't want is never good. Going to produce more bully and nonsense WW record.
    Very old relation sitem was much better: Declare hostile and get all hostile ops, around 15 hits = max meter. Target kd can 1. declare war after few hits, 2 declare peace and loss all hostile ops + less land gains, 3 just retall and when max meter auto war.

    WW chart is for fun but its don't have any value and never had. Land/NW/Honor was real charts and with proper hostile/war system and honor gains we can get normal Honor chart again. Forget WW chart its so easy for abuse and so lucky.
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  14. #14
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    I was trying to remember the old system elit because I know that it was pretty much ok. So yeah bring back declaring peace etc :)

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Forced war is better :), you can escape bullies with much higher net worth by declaring on a suitable target (if you can find one).

    "Elite" players is just afraid ... lol of forced wars
    Last edited by MoreWars; 05-12-2013 at 15:25.

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