Hello and welcome to a new addition of Virtual Kingdom. For those who read the last this may be monotony, but I'll attempt to keep this cleaner. The Virtual Kingdom is a game template not an actual kingdom.

Origins: Thank You Palem for The Faery Circle. Palem was my primary influence in that every province in TFC was monoracially faery. This sparked the idea of a zero core in which the kingdom was balanced by equal measure of personality and race. The lone character bias being the 25th player; for our purposes, monarch.

Motive: I'm a traveller. That is, I venture many kingdom averaging 5/age. I've seen great players locked away in semi-active kingdoms with dictates of rigid kingdom strategies that are middling in success and basically not fun. Most of these kingdom average 8-10 players who are both active and enthusiastic. I'd like to imagine these players in a free environment with like players.

Template: Based on army groups, I envision a kingdom of 25. The kingdom is comprised 3 each personality 3 each race. This total is 24 with the monarch choosing a persona/race not represented in the kingdom. Some combinations are not efficient, but designed toward players open to alternative builds.

Divisions: The kingdom is comprised of 3 divisions. Each division includes one of each persona and race. Unlike the musket salvo system we are use to, my vision is for integrated tactics from the logistics of merchant to the rubber-meets-the-road warrior.

Talent Pool: As mentioned above in my travels, this kingdom would be based on 8-9 players from 3 different kingdoms merged here in divisions. This offers each division a synergy they are familiar with and the opportunity to learn and share with the 2 other divisions. Another possible benefit is competition between divisions to compare doctrine and it's virtual effectiveness.

Organization: Council will include 2 members from each division. Steward will be appointed by the king. Divisions can be integrated, lopsided, concentrated and reinforced depending on kingdom posture and requirements.

Roleplaying: Is not required but certainly welcome. Roleplaying culture is encouraged to be per division. If division #1 are monks and division #2 pirates then division #3 can be samurai if they wish. A fully integrated culture is welcome provided no players are alienated.

Doctrine: As the template dictates there are no absolutes. My personal preference is not for war or whore, but simply a kingdom that embraces the challenge of a balanced template. Challenging wars are encouraged and not just respect but regard for enemies and strangers. Even in brutal one sided conflict the enemy should be greeted as friend. Activity is why we're here.

* Soon I will post a kingdom template only as a beginning stage to evolve as we go.*

~ Thank you for your participation. Comments and suggestions are welcome. You may post a persona/race combination you would enjoy and name a province in kingdom if you please. ~