Quote Originally Posted by ALittleLessConversation View Post
I would play but I'm interested mostly in cyberpunk and sci-fi themes.
Can you clarify cyberpunk? I'm aware of steampunk but I'm from the before time. As you age you generally stick to what you know, like music. I guess I could look it up, but I'd still like to hear your impression.

We played Gamma World and Traveler. Traveler was a more cerebral game that some of the older guys knew. I didn't get to play it enough to see how everything worked. We played:
D&D, AD&D, 2 and 4th edition
Gamma World
Golden Heroes
Top Secret
Call of Cthulhu
Freds World(a friend of mine made this)
- and more.
Everything we did was dice, paper&pencil with lead figures on table maps for years till D&D 4th came out. Since some of the guys were out of town we used skype and put the map on my friends big screen tv. Good system, but I missed the lead figures. We have a steady group of the same 9 guys for over 30 years.