Trying something new with the top navigation.
Trying something new with the top navigation.
Looks nice. I will switch themes if you want me to offer fixes and things. Or did you pretty much copy the other theme and tweak a few things?
i was using your previous theme, but i like colors on this one more.. i think i will prefer to use 1st one for peace time & 2nd one for war time, because background fits well.. id prefer text in top navigation, but thats just me..
Most of the theme is the same.
This theme has a different background, different color scheme, and a different top navigation. Based on the feedback I get here though, I might switch it back. I wanted to make sure I could do it, so if necessary, I'll revert it and just save the code.
I like the colors u have used in this theme but i would have choosen another backgroud less bloody.
Regarding the top buttons, i am for writing...or u could associate buttons with writing...
Last edited by homeworld; 07-08-2014 at 07:27.
I'm tempted to re-create those buttons with text to see how they look.
I think the main part of this was seeing if I could do it easily and having them work the way I wanted, and so far so good.
I may take it out for now to expand on the idea later. Of course, they could make it incredibly easier if and when they class that menu out further. A boy could dream
I have other ideas I'd rather work on in regards to this theme.
I checked it out. Right now there are conflicts with where utools likes to place buttons and lay some things out. I think people who tend to set alarms and wake up would prefer a darker theme since no one can really open their eyes at 3am.
nice otherwise.
"having fun warring when you have whoring and number 1 as a goal is totally pointless..." - Korp
"while I heart shiester when we both play serious and are in the same kingdom, I hate shiester on the forums and pretty much disagree with everything he says. Even he knows this." - Flogger asking me out on a date
The devs have made a decision to kill competitive utopia and have thereby killed my interest with it.
there is an issue on both of your themes - on thievery page, number of thieves & stealth get mixed up with the op result too much especially when getting sots.. id really like to have some kind of separation here, it almost looks like the number of thieves & stealth of the prov i took intel of!
I need examples on where to focus. My primary focus with my theme was to make Utopia themed, and play nice with Utools, if at all possible. In some cases, yes, in others, I'm not sure it's possible, but I need a direction since I don't use utools, I got tired of the jumping it did when it re-wrote the navigation.
when running munk's script on phone i think this theme may be too wide. up on the top of the screen i have the left menu and a black space, then the other ad on the right side. all of the game related page is down below everything. could you look into that? would like to continue using this theme, but its quite annoying to have to scroll so far to do things
Munk's script?
Can you point me to where it is and I'll do some testing.
pm'd u
With Munk's help, I was able to get a test copy going to test some things.
I added some tweaks in to both of my themes to make them Munk Script Friendly. You will need to refresh in order to see those changes if you are using it.
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